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Huadu Herb World +
The second stop is the mysterious canyon of Qingyuan Huangteng Gorge, known as the “Wandering King”. It is said that the Huangtengxia drifting river section is 4.8 kilometers in total, the total drop of the river is 168 meters, the highest drop is 12 meters, the longest drop is nearly 100 meters, and there are more than 130 gaps. We drove down the dinghy and quickly traversed the flowing river. The oncoming cool breeze and the water droplets washed away the heat, and it was very incomparable. We laughed and screamed, all the way was shocked and no danger!

It’s too late to clean up the ups and downs, and we have plunged into the wonderful world of Sempola, the ancient journey of Sempola, the ancient tribal castle of Yangjiao Mountain, the change of Lingnan’s virgin forest, taking us through different time and space. And the amusement center and water park are fascinating...

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Wonderful world of Sempola
Flying mood hugging the sea +
Text / Guangan Security Zhao Yuxin

Near, near, the atmosphere of the sea is getting heavier and heavier, the footsteps of the sea are getting closer and closer, and the heart seems to have been blown away by the warm sea breeze - after more than three hours of driving, we finally reached the destination. Everyone jumped out of the car and concentrated on the soft and soft beach. The "guide" told us that the first stop of the trip was to board the fishing boat and experience the fishing work of the people at sea.

Not far from the shoreline, the fishing boat stopped. A dark, muscular fisherman threw a large net into the water. We waited for the harvest next to it. After a while, the fisherman slowly The big net was put away, and all the dense fish and shrimps were inside. Everyone was excited and cheered!
The night is low and the seaside is still lively. Everyone was scattered in groups of three, five, playing in the water, barbecue on the barbecue, some chasing the frolics, some on the side of the fireworks, watching this lively scene, listening to the music-like rhythmic waves Sound, but I feel very peaceful and warm in my heart.

It’s a pleasant thing to dance on the beach with the sea breeze on summer nights. Walking along, I will step on the sandstone and shells if I don’t care. When the moon is empty, the sea becomes bright, and Huang Cancan is like a beautiful flower, and the sporadic island scattered on the sea becomes a charming flower core!

Watching the sunrise at the seaside is also a wonderful experience. You see, the sun is slowly swallowing out of the sea. "I accidentally" dyed the whole sea, and it looked like a sea of fire. Not yet showing the whole picture, but also surrounded by a lot of fog, then the sea has turned into a deep blue, more and more mysterious...

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Hailing Island Travel Notes +
Text / Zhongtian Real Estate Xu Wei

Hailing Island, one of China's Top Ten Most Beautiful Islands, was named one of China's Top Ten Most Beautiful Islands by China National Geographic magazine from 2005 to 2007. It enjoys "Southern Beidaihe" and "Oriental Hawaii". The name is known as an uncut jade. Taking advantage of the real estate strategy to go to Yangjiang for inspection, we specially went to Hailing Island.

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(Southern Beidaihe, oriental Hawaii - Hailing Island)

Hailing Island was originally named Luodao. Later, due to the defeat of the Southern Song Dynasty hero Song Taifu Zhang Shijie, he defeated the boat and died on the island. He was called Hailing Island. According to historical records, since the Ming Dynasty, Hailing Island has been used as a coastal military fortification; after the Opium War, the British government rented Hong Kong Island and proposed to lease Hailing Island without the consent of the Chinese government.

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Hailing Island's biggest resource advantage is its beautiful coastal tourism resources. On the stretch of coastline, there are 12 natural beaches with different landscapes. The beaches are wide and soft, with water and sand, and a bay and a scene. If Hailing Island is used as a small world beach exhibition hall, it is not an exaggeration.

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(Hailing Island Park Square)

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