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Figure 1 "Handcuffs           

2. Trust and responsibility are the cornerstones of the team's steady progress. The "trust back" project tests the trust between teammates and the team members. When the team members stood calmly on the high platform, took a deep breath, closed their eyes gently, and fell backwards. ????There was a pair of powerful hands under the stage??The players steadily landed...the cheers sounded, and The breeze of Songshan Lake is the joy of trust.

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Figure 2 "trust back"

Second, "opposite" ---- hope of spreading success
Today's society is an era in which collaboration and competition coexist. The "opportunity" is to test the team's ability to cooperate and the competitiveness between teams. It mainly includes "borrowing and standing up", "heroes, beauty and monsters", "connecting the ring", "solving the bracelet", "invincible hot wheels", "backing the ball", "balls and miles" and other projects.
The team members who were divided into two teams: "Vibrant Full Team" and "Taiji Team" were led by their respective captains. They were passionate and enthusiastic, and they were eager to try and launched fierce competition.

Keyword 1: Consistent goals and joint efforts.

The successful completion of a project requires each member to actively contribute and work together. Gap and individualism will only make the team collapse, and attitude determines everything---"Energetic Full Team" gives us a powerful interpretation of their slogan: making attitude, no difficulty. In the game, the whole team went forward together and won the final victory with 3 wins and 2 wins.
Although the "Tai Chi Team" was defeated, they told us with unremitting determination and courageous actions: as long as they dare to try, they will be defeated.

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Figure 3 "Invincible Hot Wheels"
Keyword 2: Stable and orderly, step by step.

In the "ball-to-ball" project, the team members need to use the paper slot made by the newspaper to pass the table tennis ball passed by the teammates without touching the hand, and the team that first passed the final point is the winner. In this project, the "Taiji team" performed well. In the situation where the other side was far ahead, the team members remained calm and calm, adjusted their operational strategies in time, and finally won the "Energy Full" team with a 0.3 second advantage. Similarly, in our work and life, when faced with mistakes and difficulties, we should also adjust our mindset in time to find the right solution, rather than blindly blaming or shirking responsibility.

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Figure 5 "Balls Miles"                                                                 Figure 4 "Kangaroo Jump"     

Essays: The good times are always like a gap - the short-term expansion training has ended in the heart of Songshan Lake, but everyone's heart is quietly reminiscent. This training not only brought the new colleagues closer to each other, but also melted every member of the Yicheng into a whole. I believe that in the days to come, they will be more confident and confident, and they will be more enthusiastic and enthusiasm to work. They will become the stars of the future, and Yiju will also sing and sing with you.
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Figure 6 "Energy Full Team"                                                         Figure 7 "Tai Chi Team"

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Figure 8 "Collective photo taken"

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