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On March 19th, the Ecological Park hosted the “Zhongtian Huabei?Yongtai Green Ecological Park 2013 Tree Planting Activity”, where the employees of Heyuan, the property staff of the ecological park, and other staff members gathered here. Before we planted trees, we took a picture to commemorate the event, then took the prepared iron shovel and tree species together, climbed up the hillside, divided into two groups, and cooperated with each other to plant the trees. The pit was dug in advance, we only You need to put the tree species in, then fill the soil, step on the ground, fill the soil, and you're done. The empty hillside is slowly filled with small trees and becomes alive. This is the happiness we have grown by hand. "Trees", in the next few decades, they will eventually grow into towering trees, like a large umbrella that will open the sky for people, and we will remember that this is someday planted by some people. Under the little trees, they carry hope and happiness.

Finally, everyone signed their name on the red banner. I took some signatures with the camera and passed it to the space of the Garden with the tree scenes of everyone I took before, to commemorate the successful completion of the tree planting event.

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