During the visit, the person in charge of Zhongtian Wancheng Company explained in detail the contents of the construction of the company and the progress of the project, and told the visiting leaders about the overall development plan of the cooperation between Lianke and Beijing Zhongguancun Dongsheng Science and Technology Park. According to reports, the two parks will jointly set up a management and operation team to jointly build technology incubators and accelerators. While introducing advanced operation mode, Lianke will rely on the expert resources of Beijing Tsinghua Industrial Development Research Institute to take Dongguan's traditional manufacturing industry as the industry base and undertake Beijing's technology and talent resources. The park will also build three service platforms of science and technology, finance and talents, constantly improve the professional capabilities of its operational services, and truly solve the problems encountered in the development of enterprises.
Director of Dongsheng Science and Technology Park Management Committee said that the advantages of the two parks' resources linkage and complementarity are obvious. With the industrialization of Beijing's “production, study and research” technology achievements in Dongguan, Lianke will form a high-end information industry cluster and effectively promote the admission. Enterprise transformation and upgrading.

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Deputy Secretary Liu Hong fully affirmed the joint construction and achievements of the two parks, and said that in the future, he will give more attention and support to platform interaction, resource integration and talent exchange in Beijing and Dongguan. The park can continue to increase exchanges in the transformation of innovation results, and carry out close cooperation between enterprises and scientific research units to make due contributions to the industrial upgrading of Dongguan.
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