Looking at the country, every city is producing its own culture. How can this be done in Dongguan? Once Dongguan was at the forefront of reform and opening up, the economic take-off created a miracle of urbanization. In today's social transformation and cultural development, it is bound to have more confidence, and each town and street will pay more attention to non-trait culture.

On August 23, 2013, Dongguan's first micro-movie "Looking For", which will be released in Dongguan Cinema, represents Wancheng's new efforts and trials for cultural development. For example, Tianbao Creative Valley, Lianfeng Creative Valley, and Luosha Creative Valley, which are owned by brand creative park operators such as Creative Valley, are examples of cultural gathering platforms. The creation of "Looking For" film not only won the government's affirmation, but also gathered Here, Design, 86 Studio, Shake Studio, MT Studio, Wu Haoran Studio, Zeng Yizhou Studio, Zhang Zimu Studio, etc. Approved by the excellent film and television creation team and excellent director and production in Tianbao Creative Valley.

It is precisely based on the same dream of building “Dongguan Culture, Developing Culture Guancheng”, Creative Valley completed the micro-movie short film collection of “Looking For” with these film and television creation teams from overseas, Beishang Guangshen and Dongguan. Creation. This micro-film collection contains a total of six short films, all of which are based on Guancheng or Dongguan culture. They tell a story about “seeking”. From children to teenagers to middle-aged to old age, they are all looking for "Things that you think are important. Just as life is a journey of “seeking”, Dongguan is also a development about “seeking”.

This Dongguan-based microfilm short film "Looking For" grew up in Guancheng. The film creators use the visuals of art to show the society through a little story, the changes of the characters and the emotional changes. Development and people's changes. "Looking for" is both a nostalgia for the past and a chase for the future. The development of Dongguan cannot be without the past, nor can it have no future. The connection with these will be the inheritance and innovation of Dongguan culture.

The success of "Looking For" is not only the success of Creative Valley and Here Design, 86 Studio, Shake Studio, MT Studio, Wu Haoran Studio, Zeng Yizhou Studio, Zhang Zimu Studio, etc. Look for a new journey of culture and the new pursuit of urban culture by people living in Dongguan.

Dongguan's first micro-movie short film collection "Looking For" trailer:

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PREV:Business NewsNEXT:The micro-film collection "Looking For" is grandly released, leading the new trend of local film and television culture