During the meeting, the heads of the teams conducted the business summary briefing for the first half of 2014; Li Linhao reported on the business data of the entire group in the first half of the year on behalf of the group finance; Zhang Yukai, the president of the company, summarized the overall operation of the group in the first half of 2014 and deployed the second half of the year. Work Plan.
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At the award ceremony of the outstanding team in the first half of the year, Zhang Yukai, the director of the board of directors, presented awards and photos to the winning teams.

In the first half of the year, the "Star Team" award-winning team included: hotel team; Zhangjiajie team; group capital operation center; Zhongwan business department; group financial management center; Guangxi Zhongtian team; group investment development center.

In the first half of the year, the “Entertaining Team” award-winning team included: Zhongtian Wancheng Team; Creative Valley Team; Beijing Zhongtian Team; Zhongtian Real Estate Team.live casino
PREV:[Zhongtian Wancheng] successfully hosted the Zhongguancun Innovation Forum, and the signing ceremony for the second batch of enterprises entering the two industrial parks was held in the same venue.NEXT:[Zhongtian Creative Valley] The first “Dongguan and Taiwan Creative Development Forum” was successfully held in Lianfeng Creative Valley.