Hearing people said that last weekend, because of the first design week of Dongguan, the “Workers and Farmers No. 8” on the east side of the river broke out, and the entire Wenqing of Dongguan came! Even the leaders of the two cities came to the scene with great interest to cheer up the cultural and creative cause of Dongguan!

Everyone is looking at it? Together:

Look at the exhibition hall

In this design week, Workers and Peasants No. 8 carefully prepared four venues for Dongguan residents to visit, namely, Color Life Pavilion, Visual Composition Pavilion, Image Dynamic Pavilion and Workers and Farmers No. 8 Creative Pavilion to bring furnishings and home life exhibitions to the audience. Home improvement design exhibition, micro movie theater.

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Among them, the Workers and Farmers No. 8 Creative Museum, which was carefully built by Zhongtian Creative Valley, allows everyone to understand the past and present of Gongnong 8 and the future construction direction in the Creative Pavilion. Through the means of plane and multimedia, people can see at a glance the situation of Workers and Peasants No. 8.

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Because there is a local micro-movie exhibition hall, and the annual meeting of the Guancheng Film and Television Culture Promotion Association is also held at the same time, this weekend, Dongguan's most creative film and television creation team gathers on Gongnong No.8.

On the spot, a series of "LOOKING FOR" short films, "Chunlan and oriental Red" and "Tropical" produced by members of the Wancheng Film and Television Culture Promotion Association in 2014 were shown on the scene.

In the past year, these works not only caused a sensation in Dongguan, but also went to the whole country and overseas, and won many awards and awards at several film festivals and film festivals.

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In 2015, the various units of the Guancheng Film and Television Culture Promotion Association had a lot of new moves. Like the character culture, they brought the first season of Dongguan’s first online drama "Final Companion" at the annual meeting. Will also start shooting the second feature film "Mr. Failure"...

In 2015, Dongguan local film and television is worth looking forward to.

Look at the local "Dong Xiaoxiao" in Dongguan

On the evening of January 25th, many friends and young people in Dongguan were screened by an event: "First Night" Dong Xiaoxiao performance. In the words of Liang Xiaozhi, one of the performers, it is: "The workers and peasants 8 burst into the sun!"

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“Dong Xiaoxiao” is a Cantonese dialect talk show with a broad mass base in Guangdong. In the evening's performance, the five performers used the theme of “First Night” to tell the story of what happened to themselves and their little friends. With an interesting piece, the audience laughed and laughed.

See the salon forum

In addition to film and television exchanges, there are many design forums also staged on Gongnong 8th. Zhongtian Creative Valley invited Taiwan famous designer Lin Yishun to share his design philosophy. Taiwanese life artist Liao Weihong also talked about how he found inspiration from his life. Ant Club co-founder Zheng Li explained how to complete the business. One step, the Dongguan designers present at the scene generally expressed that the forum and exchange activities benefited everyone.

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The deputy mayor cheered for the event

On the afternoon of the 25th, Vice Mayor of Dongguan Yang Xiaoyu and his entourage visited the "Workers and Farmers No. 8" to observe the first design week of Dongguan, and also inspected the details of the park and discussed with Zhongtian Creative Valley.
Mayor Yang expressed his recognition for the positive significance of the event and the transformation concept of the park. He highly affirmed the great contributions made by Zhongtian Creative Valley and Canal Creative Commune in the field of cultural creation in Dongguan. He said that the Dongguan government will Continue to support corporate work and jointly explore a sustainable development path that will help transform and upgrade cities.
During the event, Zhongtian also presented the Mayor of the Workers and Peasants with the theme of “Arts and Drinks”, and Mayor Yang also highly affirmed the artistic conception and creative concept of the work.

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Propaganda Minister's Message Development

On the morning of the 27th, Pan Xinchao, member of the Standing Committee of the Dongguan Municipal Committee and Minister of Propaganda, visited the "Workers and Peasants No. 8" and visited the Design Week activities, and also inspected the construction progress of the park.

Pan Xinchao positively affirmed the breakthrough significance of this first creative week in Dongguan, and appreciated the pioneering spirit of Zhongtian Creative Valley and Canal Creative Commune. He believes that Dongguan is currently at a critical stage in building a city with strong culture and vitality. The activities of Design Week will undoubtedly provide positive energy for the promotion of Dongguan's city image.

Pan Xinchao said that he hopes that Zhongtian Creative Valley and Canal Creative Commune will continue to explore such activities and make Creative Week a city brand business card. The Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will do their best to cooperate with the service.

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PREV:The NPC and CPPCC National Committee members visited the Workers and Peasants No. 8, and the first design week of Dongguan ended successfully in the same period.NEXT:In 2014, “Top Ten Office Buildings in China's Property Services”, Dongguan has one seat!