After signing the contract, the No. 8 site of the Workers and Peasants is mainly used as the sales office and exhibition hall of the Stella Group in Dongguan. Each year, the designers of the first-line brands of shoes and bags at home and abroad will be invited to discuss, discuss trends, research and development directions, and product confirmation. Believe that the original quaint tanning concept pursued by the Stella Group strives to reproduce the centuries-old tannery, and the Nordic Tanning Museum City Office and Exhibition Hall will be built as a unique landscape within the park.
Recently, Gongnong No. 8 has made a new breakthrough in the development of the industry, and has ushered in Stella, Gordon Mommy, Waterfront Square, Shrimp Square, Waterfront Square, Wine Square, Waterfront Square, Cigar Square. Many brands such as Charlie Coffee (Boutique Baking) are stationed, and the business form is gradually becoming larger.
While working hard to diversify the park's business environment, Workers and Peasants No. 8 also enriched the activities of the park, such as the launch of the National Day Golden Week activities and other activities to raise the attention of workers and peasants on the 8th, and gradually developed into a major destination for citizens' sightseeing and leisure. It is believed that with the opening of the second phase of BOXPARK of Workers and Peasants No. 8, the Workers and Peasants No. 8 will present more and different to the public.
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