As the key platform for Zhongtian Group's industrialization strategy, Lianke Information Industry Park focuses on the introduction of leading enterprises in the electronic information industry, high-tech enterprise headquarters and innovative technology companies.

At present, the park attracts investment and attracts talents. It has successfully introduced a number of innovative technology companies, established two public platforms for technology services and financial services, and established industrial docking in the United States, Beijing, Shenzhen and Taiwan. Office.

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On January 15th, Lianke International Information Industry Park ushered in a new enterprise, Guangdong Wojiesen Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wojerson). On the morning of the same day, Jefferson held a grand opening ceremony in front of the R&D building of Lianke International Information Industry Park.

Lianke currently has 30 companies, and its types are concentrated in environmental protection, energy automation, software development, and information technology.

2. Lianke helps research and financing, Wojerson plans to land on the new three board

There are two companies currently listed in the Lianke Park, one is Quantian Automation Energy Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., and the other is Guangdong Wojiesen Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

Wojerson is a company specializing in waste (sewage) water, pure water, waste gas and noise treatment. In response to the problem that no one was responsible for the laboratory before, Lianke introduced the technology service platform--Dongguan Qingyan Public Technology Service Center to connect with it, and systematically analyzed its research and development conditions, organizational structure and business model. Targeted guidance service plan. Today, Wagesen's lab already has a research and development team of seven full-time R&D staff.

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In addition, Lianke provided financing assistance services for Wagesen and successfully docked Songshan Lake Venture Capital. The venture capital team helped Wojerson to re-set the top-level structure, which removed the obstacles for the company to embark on a standardized and group-based development path, and paved the way for its subsequent entry into the capital market, and successfully introduced strategic investors.

At present, Wojerson has basically completed the share reform work and plans to list on the New Third Board in June this year.

3. The Financial Innovation Park attracts a team of international technical experts

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Lianke is known as a good park to understand the company because it helps the enterprises in the park in terms of technology and capital. The Financial Park also has this advantage. As of December 30, 2015, the International Financial Innovation Park has accumulated 169 enterprises, and the number of employees in the park has reached 1,500. Among them, 69 new companies were introduced in 2015, and the atmosphere of the park has gradually formed, forming a certain agglomeration effect.
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The park has introduced a large number of high-quality enterprises. At present, there are two new three-board listed companies, namely Guangdong Wali Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Dongguan Zhaonan Electronic Appliance Technology Co., Ltd.; there are 5 companies preparing for the listing of the New Third Board, respectively. Huawei Modern Logistics Co., Ltd., Dongguan Dongyuan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Tengzheng Computer Technology Co., Ltd., Dongguan Xilong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Finney (Dongguan) Animal Nutrition Co., Ltd.

Among them, the Sino-British Low-carbon Environmental Protection Industrial Park, which was built on July 10 last year, is also receiving attention from all walks of life because of the transnational cooperation model.

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On January 15, 2016, the Sino-British Low Carbon Environmental Protection Industrial Park also welcomed a number of important guests - more than 10 international technical experts. For example: Dr. Liang Xi, Secretary General of the China-UK (Guangdong) CCUS Center, Tan Zhaoxuan, Chief Representative of the US Department of Energy's Fossil Energy Office, Bruce Hill, Katharina, Samuel, Abu Zaki, Scott.

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At the symposium, the participants affirmed the space construction of the Sino-British low-carbon environmental protection industrial park and the planning of the core functional areas, and they enthusiastically expressed their insights on the low-carbon environmental protection industry. In the free and heated discussion, the wisdom sparks in the field of low carbon and environmental protection.

4. Zhongtian Wancheng's operation mode is continuously optimized to highlight its core competitiveness.

Similar to the case of helping Wojerson and introducing the Sino-British International Low Carbon Environmental Protection Industrial Park, it is not uncommon in the history of the Zhongtian Industrial Park.

Guangdong Zhongtian Wancheng Industrial Park Investment Management Co., Ltd., as a professional industrial park investment management company under the Zhongtian Group, pays more attention to the customer's perspective while building the industrial park's ecological, environmental and product hardware facilities. The appeal is oriented and focuses on the soft power of the industrial park.

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For example, Zhongtian Wancheng teamed up with Tsinghua Industrial Development Research Institute to build a public technology service platform, introduced a number of venture capital institutions to set up funds focused on high-growth innovative enterprise investment, and joined a number of financial institutions to establish a public financial service platform.

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In addition, Zhongtian Wancheng introduced the South China Talent Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which on the one hand provided an official endorsement for the park brand, and on the other hand provided an important channel for the park to solve the enterprise talent problem. Due to the driving effect of the South China Talent Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Dongguan International Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, which was established by the organization Department of Dongguan Municipal Committee, also settled in the International Financial Innovation Park.
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At the same time, Zhongtian Wancheng provides a series of value-added services in terms of professional property services, commercial facilities, life and health support, and policy support.

Thanks to the sound operation system and the concern of more and more markets, Zhongtian Group will firmly grasp the opportunities of China's industrial transformation and upgrading, and is committed to building a national first-class industrial park operator.
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