Zhongtian executives visited the "Internet +" base of China Telecom Dongguan Company to visit and exchange

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Hu Zhiliang explains the "Internet +" technology business capabilities

Hu Zhiliang, general manager of China Telecom Dongguan, and Huang Kaiwen, deputy general manager, personally received a group of Zhongtian executives. In the "Internet +" base exhibition hall, they explained in detail the business capabilities of telecom big data, DDOS information security, video surveillance, Internet of Things, smart home and so on.
The "Internet +" base is located on the 2nd floor of the Deputy Building of China Telecom Dongguan Company Information Building, covering an area of more than 1,000 square meters. The base is divided into smart government, smart manufacturing, smart logistics, smart medical, smart home, smart education, smart financial exhibition area. The base displays the latest technology information solutions and products in various industries, and provides intuitive demonstration and experience. surroundings.
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"Internet +" technology demo

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Zhongtian executives experience the "Internet + Capabilities" multiplayer video conference

Hu Zhiliang and Huang Kaiwen showed the "Internet + Capabilities" products to the Zhongtian executives on the spot: the communication capabilities were open. The communication capability open platform encapsulates communication resources such as voice calls, video calls, multimedia conferences, template text messages, click-to-dial, call centers, and voice announcements into APIs (application programming interfaces) or SDKs (software development kits). Open to business users.
They said that enterprise users can quickly apply for and call communication resources at a lower cost according to their own needs, thus achieving cost reduction and efficiency.
Next, Zhongtian Industrial Park will work closely with China Telecom to build a financial big data center to promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry and adjust the industrial structure. In addition, Zhongtian Industry and Real Estate will also explore the cooperation model according to the core needs, especially how to effectively apply the “Internet Plus” technology to the industry sector, optimize the user experience of the park enterprises and enhance the growth value of the park.
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