On the morning of March 15, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council answered questions from Chinese and foreign reporters in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People. People's Daily Online reporter Weng Qiyu

People's Daily Online, Beijing, March 15 (Reporter Group in front of People's Daily Online) This morning, Premier Li Keqiang met with Chinese and foreign journalists who interviewed the Fifth Session of the 12th National People's Congress in the Golden Hall on the third floor of the Great Hall of the People and answered questions from reporters.
The press conference is recorded as follows:

Fu Ying: Hello everyone. The fifth session of the 12th National People's Congress has just closed. Now we are honored to invite Premier Li Keqiang to meet Chinese and foreign journalists. Today, we have more reporters at the meeting, so please ask every reporter who has the opportunity to ask questions and ask other reporters to have more questions. First, Premier Li Keqiang will give a few words to everyone.

Li Keqiang: I just heard the host said that because of the large number of people coming here, many reporters arrived here two or three hours in advance. Everyone is very hard and fully demonstrates your professionalism. I have paid for the reports of Chinese and foreign journalists on the Chinese two conferences. Thank you for your hard work. Time is limited, we are straightforward, I am willing to answer questions raised by journalists and friends.

CNN reporter: Prime Minister, good morning. President Trump has been making some critical remarks on China, saying that China has stolen US jobs, criticized China's exchange rate policy, and China has not done enough to maintain regional security. We also learned that it is very likely that as early as next month, the heads of state of China and the United States may meet. Based on this, we have some concepts about what the United States hopes to get from China. I want to ask what China wants from the United States. What is the bottom line for China's healthy and sustainable Sino-US relations? Do you have the confidence to achieve this? Is the development of Sino-US relations still difficult?

Li Keqiang: Your question reminds me of the speech I made to the New York Economic Club during the high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly in September last year. Someone asked me questions. At that time, the US presidential election was in the heat stage. If the new president is elected, Will there be a big change in US relations? My answer is that no matter who is elected to the US president, although Sino-US relations have experienced ups and downs, I have been moving forward and I am optimistic. After President Trump was elected, President Xi Jinping and President Trump made a phone call. The two capitals expressed their willingness to jointly advance Sino-US relations. President Trump and senior officials of the new US government have also made it clear that they must adhere to the one-China policy. This is the political basis for Sino-US relations. It is not that the changes can be shaken or shaken. With such a political foundation, the prospects for Sino-US cooperation are broad.
The reason why we are optimistic about the advancement of Sino-US relations is because China and the United States have established diplomatic relations for decades and have already had broad common interests. Of course, there are also differences between us. For example, what you just mentioned is different in terms of jobs, exchange rates, etc., or there are different opinions on security issues. However, both of us need to maintain strategic strength, strengthen communication, sit down and talk, and enhance mutual understanding and understanding. The two foreign ministries are now communicating on the meeting between the two heads of state. I think that Sino-US relations will not only affect the interests of the two countries, but also the peace, security and stability of the region and the world. We must maintain it.

As for the trade issue, when I attended the delegation discussion at the two sessions, some NPC deputies from foreign trade companies told me that although the Chinese side has a trade surplus, more than 90% of the profits of the products produced by the enterprises are taken away by American companies. The lowest profit is only 2% - 3%. According to relevant statistics, last year, Sino-US trade and investment created more than one million jobs in the United States. Of course, the statistical methods of the parties may be different. It doesn't matter. When we sit down and talk, there will always be a consensus. Even if we don't reach a consensus, we can set aside our differences. The wise man's way is to expand the common interests, and the proportion of differences will be even more. small.
I remember that I saw an international authoritative think tank published an article two days ago. They believe that if there is a trade war between China and the United States, the first thing that will be damaged is the foreign-funded enterprises. The US companies are the first to bear the brunt. We do not want to see a trade war, trade wars can not bring trade fairness, and both sides are damaged. Now the whole world is more concerned about Sino-US relations. China hopes that no matter what kind of ups and downs in Sino-US relations, we must move forward and benefit. The people of both China and the United States are great people. We have the wisdom to control differences. We need and conditions to expand our common interests. Thank you.

Reporter of the Central People's Broadcasting Station: We have noticed that the growth rate of China's economy has continued to slow down in recent years. This year, we have lowered the expected target of economic growth to around 6.5%. Will this adversely affect the world economy? Others think that There are many risks in the Chinese economy, especially in the financial sector. Can China continue to play the role of a promoter of the world economy in the context of the weak world economy?

Li Keqiang: We set the economic growth rate this year at around 6.5%. I saw that foreign media reported that China was moderately reducing the growth rate. In fact, the rate of growth of 6.5% is not low, and it is not easy. I once accompanied the foreign guests in the Shaolin Temple in China to watch the performance of the Wushu. The young Wu Wuyi turned over a dozen and did not bother to go, but the young monks who had practiced martial arts for more than ten years turned over three or five. Mainly the block is big. If China achieves its economic growth target this year, the increase will be larger than last year, because this is the growth of our economy totaling more than 74 trillion yuan, equivalent to 11 trillion US dollars, and can drive more than 11 million people. Employment. This is in line with economic laws, and it can also focus more on improving quality and efficiency. The contribution rate to world economic growth will not be low. China is still an important force driving global growth under the weak world economic recovery.
As for the risks, there are many factors in the world economic political uncertainty this year. This is a big external risk. For China, not developing is the biggest risk. We maintain steady growth at medium and high speeds and are contributing to the stability of the world. Of course, we ourselves have some risks that cannot be ignored. You just talked about the financial field. For these risk points, we are highly concerned and found that it will be disposed of in a timely manner, targeted therapy, and will not let it spread. Of course, I must also emphasize that the Chinese financial system is generally safe and there will be no systemic risks. Because we have a lot of coping tools, many of the reserve policies are still useless. Our fiscal deficit rate does not exceed 3%, commercial banks have a capital adequacy ratio of 13%, and provision coverage ratio is 176%, which exceeds many countries, especially the internationally determined standards. Therefore, we are capable of preventing risks. Of course, we will also fasten our seat belts during the mid-high speed. We will not let the risks "acute attacks", and there will be no regional or systemic risks. Thank you.

Bloomberg News: As the US shrinks its role in the global trading system, including the withdrawal of the TPP, it seems that China is willing to play a leading role in global trade. Both you and President Xi Jinping advocate free trade, an open economy and globalization. But at the same time, we have seen that China is also being criticized for implementing unfair trade and opening up its own economy. In the coming year, what measures will China take to convince the international community that China is committed to promoting free trade and an open economy?

Li Keqiang: First of all, China has always maintained its consistent position in the face of some criticisms or some setbacks in the process of globalization. That is: maintaining economic globalization and supporting free trade. This in itself shows that China is to promote openness. In fact, globalization has benefited all countries, but there are also problems in this process, such as distribution, but they are not problems of globalization itself, but rather problems. China is also willing to work with countries around the world to improve the global governance system. Globalization and the peaceful development cooperation of the world are integrated and inseparable. Closing the door to the neighbors can not solve the problem.
China, like many countries in the world, is the beneficiary of globalization, and this is because China has been insisting on expanding its openness. China must first do its own thing well, but it can't do its own thing when it is closed. Therefore, our opening door will be bigger and bigger. Of course, openness is a gradual process. Looking back, our pace has been moving forward for decades.
Last year, we attracted foreign investment in the developing countries, ranking first, reaching $126 billion. The World Bank’s assessment of China’s business environment has increased by 18 compared to 2013. We have promoted the construction of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, which has gradually expanded to 11 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and will promote the universally applicable experience to the whole country. We will also hold the "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum this year and continue to introduce measures to expand and open up. We have also proposed with many countries to establish free trade zones or negotiate investment and trade agreements, which are measures that are conducive to two-way opening. One thing I want everyone to make clear is that the more you open up, the deeper the openness, the more friction there will be, but the proportion will be smaller and smaller. We are confident about this. We want to create an open highland, a hot spot for investment, and share opportunities for development with the world.
As for the liberalization of global trade, this requires the joint efforts of all countries in the world, because the world is the world of the world. We are always open to some regional trade arrangements that we have reached or hope to achieve, and we are happy to see it. As long as it is conducive to trade liberalization, we will participate and promote, and the Chinese understand that we must seize the opportunity of globalization with openness, no matter what challenges can not be missed.
Regarding the regional free trade arrangements, involving China, and conditional, we are open-minded and willing to promote. We will not be more embarrassed and will not go beyond the region to do things that should not be done by China. Thank you.

People's Daily reporter: We have noticed that you have been grasping the issue of decentralization and decentralization in the past four years. This year's government work report also shows that the task of the current government that you are requesting to streamline one-third of the administrative examination and approval items has already been Completed ahead of time, then the remaining 2/3? Should this work continue to move forward, and if you want to continue, how are you going to advance?

Li Keqiang: The core of the policy of decentralization and decentralization is to transform the government's functions and handle the relationship between the government and the market. This is not a one-off effort. We have indeed completed the tasks identified at the beginning of the establishment of the current government, but in the process of advancing, we found that there are more famous names, not only the right of examination and approval, but also a large number of administrative licenses, qualification certifications, and various wonderful certificates. The charges that make a company overwhelmed, and so on, are all things that should be continued to be promoted. We are going to change the government's functions and put more energy into the management of the process. The government does manage some things that should not be managed and should not be managed by itself. It hampers the hands and feet of market players, reduces administrative efficiency, and even affects the credibility of the government. Therefore, we must carry out self-revolution, and the blade is inward. I have always said that we must advance with the spirit of the strong man's broken wrist. No matter what kind of problems, there will even be greater resistance, but we must believe that we have enough resilience. .
Simple administration, decentralization, integration, and optimization of services are trinity, that is, the government should put more energy into the matter, supervise and optimize the services to the people after the event, and relax the market access. Market players compete fairly to create an environment. We must resolutely investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations that are counterfeit, abducted, infringed on intellectual property rights, and closely related to food, medicine, and environmental protection. We must use the "Internet Government Service" to let the people run less, irritate, and more comfortable. More power should be used for poverty alleviation, shantytown reconstruction, compulsory education, basic medical care and many other aspects of people's livelihood.
In short, it is necessary to send a signal of “going forward, moving forward, and moving forward” to the market entities that are legally regulated; to light up the green light that can, can, and can be used by those who rely on labor and entrepreneurship; In case of illegal behavior, it is necessary to display a yellow card in time, and even a red card to punish him. Thank you.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun reporter: Prime Minister, hello. I am a reporter for the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. I want to ask a question about the Korean Peninsula. US Secretary of State Tillerson will visit Japan from today, and he will visit China and South Korea. The outside world believes that one of the focuses of this visit is to discuss the Korean Peninsula issue. At present, North Korea continues to test missiles and promote nuclear weapons programs, which has led to a very tense situation in Northeast Asia. In this context, what measures and actions does China intend to take to ease the tension in the region? How will China cooperate with relevant countries such as Japan to resolve the so-called North Korean nuclear issue?

Li Keqiang: China’s position on the Korean Peninsula issue is clear and consistent. It insists on the realization of the denuclearization of the peninsula, persists in maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula, and persists in solving problems through dialogue and consultation. For the relevant resolutions already passed by the United Nations, China has always had a clear-cut attitude and is fully and strictly enforced. China has always been a firm defender of the nuclear non-proliferation system. Indeed, there has been some tension in the peninsula and even in Northeast Asia, and tension is likely to lead to conflict and damage to all parties involved. What we hope is that all parties will work together to bring down the tense atmosphere and bring everyone back to the dialogue and finally solve the problem. According to common sense, no one wants to keep up with his own door all day long. Thank you.

CCTV, CCTV, CCTV News Mobile Network Reporter: Hello Prime Minister, I would like to ask about employment. You often say that employment is the foundation of people's livelihood, and we have seen reports that you are very concerned about changes in employment every month when you look at economic indicators. This year we saw that in the government work report, you specifically mentioned that the employment pressure in our country has increased this year. Then I would like to ask the Prime Minister, will there be a mass unemployment problem this year?

Li Keqiang: I finally heard a question from the Trinity reporter. If you pay a little attention, you will find that one of the major economic and social development indicators mentioned in the government work report is elevated. That is, we will increase the employment of 11 million people in urban areas this year, an increase of 1 million from last year’s target. people. The reason why we have to have a growth rate of about 6.5% is to maintain employment. Because employment is the biggest livelihood for a big country like ours with a population of more than 1.3 billion. Employment is the foundation of economic development, the source of wealth growth, and the main source of income for residents. We have been implementing an active employment policy for several years. We have achieved more than 13 million new urban employment for four consecutive years. This year we have emphasized employment priority, that is, we must ensure that we can achieve more adequate employment and keep the unemployment rate low. s level.

In the past few years, we have been at the peak of the new growth labor force. This year's employment pressure is still relatively large. The number of college graduates reached 7.95 million, a record high, and there are about 5 million secondary vocational graduates, plus the need for excess capacity. Hundreds of thousands of transferred employees and so on. We must create an environment conducive to entrepreneurial employment, instead of relying on the government to provide iron rice bowls, but let the people use labor and wisdom to create or create a golden rice bowl. In the past few years, we have achieved relatively full employment through the creation of posts. Here, I also want to ask journalists, including foreign journalists, to report on China’s employment jobs on their own.

We are fully capable of expanding employment, and we will not and will not allow large-scale mass unemployment. For those who cannot be employed for a while and whose livelihoods are not settled, the government will take responsibility and guarantee their basic life. Thank you.

Singapore Lianhe Zaobao reporter: Hello, Prime Minister. My problem is that this year is the year of the current government. What do you think is the most important achievement in the past four years? What is the most difficult to overcome?

Li Keqiang: The question you asked is short but relatively large. If we talk about the main achievements of the four years of governance, that is, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the whole country will work together and we will continue to innovate macro-control methods. China’s economic operation will remain in a reasonable range and will always be a medium-to-high-speed growth. The growth rate fluctuation in the past four years is about 1 percentage point, which can be said to be stable. Moreover, this is not achieved by the strong stimulation of flooding, but by promoting industrial and consumption upgrading, making new progress in economic structure optimization, and accelerating the emergence of economic momentum by accelerating the transformation of old and new kinetic energy, and more importantly, driving 5000. More than 10,000 people in urban areas have added employment.
In the past few years, I have been hearing the sound of a hard landing in the Chinese economy. I can say that I can’t stop talking. Last year, with the world's economic and trade growth showing the lowest growth rate in the past seven years, China still maintained medium- and high-speed growth. The practice of these years can prove that the "hard landing" theory of the Chinese economy can rest. The Chinese economy will not make a hard landing. We will maintain medium-to-high-speed growth for a long time and move towards the mid-to-high end level.
Of course, it does not mean that we still have no problems and challenges, so we must promote reform. When it comes to the most difficult thing, it is still deepening reform. For example, the reform of decentralization, the combination of management, and the reform of service optimization will not only touch the interests, but also touch the soul. If we want power to be incapable, we must cut off those powers that we should not have, some involve the interests of the department, and we must reduce the space for rent-seeking. This is not a simple process. From the central government to the local level to the grassroots level, we must get through the "last mile."
I went to some places to see it, and sealed 108 official seals in a simple administration, and replaced them with a common seal. China is too big to know what is going on in similar situations. You may also remember that in the past two years, there were people who showed a project approval for the "Long March Map". It is said that it has become a hundred miles now, and there are many hundred miles, and we must continue to advance. As I said before, no matter what kind of resistance, we have enough resilience to promote reform. Reform is to liberate and develop productive forces, mobilize the enthusiasm of the broad masses of the people, and let the masses get benefits. The political necessity is to lay down Xiaoli, Gu Dayi and the people. Thank you.

Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, unique news client reporter: Hello Prime Minister, I would like to ask you the question is that in October last year you went to Shenzhen to participate in the "National Double Creation Week" main event. According to statistics, 500,000 people participated in the event within a week, and the scene was very hot. In the past year, “mass entrepreneurship and innovation” have flourished, and now the sharing economy is developing very fast, but some people have different opinions. Then, may I ask the Prime Minister, do you think the enthusiasm for "double innovation" will last?

Li Keqiang: "Double creation" can be said to have emerged as the times require. In the era of globalization and "Internet", we promoted the reform of "distribution management" and promoted "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". Over the past three years, an average of more than 40,000 market entities have been registered every day, which is equivalent to more than 10 million new ones each year. I and some foreign leaders are not small countries. When he talked about this, he was surprised that this is equivalent to the total amount of small and medium-sized enterprises in their country. In fact, "double creation" is not only a small and medium-sized enterprise, but also a big business. Now many large enterprises are also promoting "double innovation", creating a lot of space on the Internet, allowing online workers to be customers, and orders. The market needs behind it are combined to better meet the needs of consumers. "Double-creation" covers one, two, three industries and large and medium-sized enterprises, and it has a strong vitality.
“Double Creation” not only drives a large number of employment, but also promotes the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy. It is also a reform, because it captures the most important factor in human productivity, and the wisdom and vitality of people are fully demonstrated. Everyone has an equal opportunity to change their destiny and gain a vertical rise. It has also innovated the production model. Many new formats, such as sharing economy, sharing economy, "internet", etc., can be said to emerge endlessly. Some of these new formats are generated during the process of conversion of old and new kinetic energy, and old and new grafts, and some old trees open new flowers. But in general, it adapts to the needs of the market and adapts to the requirements of consumers' individualization and diversification.
In addition, the growth of new formats has forced the transformation of government functions. Indeed, many of these new formats are unknown in the past. I think that different disputes are normal. We must prudently monitor them with an open attitude and an inclusive concept to promote its healthy development.
I have been thinking, and always think that China has 170 million highly educated and highly skilled people, combined with about 800 million labor, can create wealth, the energy stimulated is difficult to estimate, and will also give the market , including the world market brings huge opportunities. The Chinese people are diligent and intelligent, and have the inexhaustible motive force for pursuing a better life. The government is to create an environment, so that the people's enthusiasm for entrepreneurial innovation is enduring. Of course, "double creation" is like many new things. Some aspects of the development process, some enterprises Will encounter twists and turns, but the general direction is correct. Thank you.

Phoenix Satellite TV, Phoenix Network Reporter: The question I asked relates to the Hong Kong issue. Because this year's government work report, you mentioned the "Hong Kong independence" issue for the first time, pointing out that Hong Kong independence has no way out. Does this mean any change in policy? For example, will it be more emphasized in implementing the principle of "one country, two systems"? Will "one country" weaken the "two systems"? or will the central government's support for Hong Kong be reduced?

Li Keqiang: The policy of "one country, two systems" should be fully understood and implemented. I have already said in the government work report that the practice of "one country, two systems" should not be shaken, not distorted, and not deformed. As for supporting the development of Hong Kong, the Central Government will continue to intensify its efforts to continue to introduce many initiatives that will benefit Hong Kong's development and benefit the cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong. For example, last year we introduced the "Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect". We must further explore the open bond market. This is the need of the country and Hong Kong has a platform. For the first time, we are preparing to conduct a “bond pass” in Hong Kong and the Mainland this year, which means allowing overseas funds to buy bonds from the Mainland. Hong Kong is the first month in the vicinity of the water, which is conducive to maintaining the status of Hong Kong's international financial center. It will help Hong Kong residents to have more investment channels and benefit from it, which will benefit Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability. Thank you.

Russian Tass news agency: How do you evaluate China-Russia relations? Can the two countries achieve economic and trade relations in the context of unstable world economy and fluctuations in energy prices?

Li Keqiang: You are very courageous and always ask questions in Chinese. Speaking of Sino-Russian relations, we are each other's largest neighbors and a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation. The healthy and stable development of Sino-Russian relations is not only beneficial to the region but also to the world. Last year, the two heads of state met several times and reached many important consensuses. The meeting between the Chinese and Russian prime ministers has been held as scheduled for many years. This in itself shows the stability of Sino-Russian relations.
As for the economic and trade relations between the two countries, the world economic recovery has been sluggish in recent years and trade growth has been weak. Indeed, Sino-Russian relations have also been affected in some aspects due to the decline in energy prices. I remember that at the press conference last year, I once said that I hope that China-Russia economic and trade relations can have a turning point in the past. Now it should be said that this prophecy has been realized. Of course, this is the result of our joint efforts. In particular, in the first two months of this year, Sino-Russian trade volume has increased substantially. This shows that China and Russia have great potential for economic and trade cooperation and strong complementarity. The economic and trade relations reached between the two sides can be achieved. Thank you.

Caixin.com, Caixin Weekly Reporter: I want to ask a question about the exchange rate. At present, the RMB exchange rate has a certain downward pressure, but to stabilize the exchange rate, either to consume foreign exchange reserves or to strengthen foreign exchange controls. How do you think about the fall in the exchange rate, the decline in foreign reserves, or the cost of foreign exchange controls? What choices do you make?

Li Keqiang: You asked me three questions for me to answer selectively. I think I will answer them separately.
First about the exchange rate. Last year, due to the turmoil in the international currency market, especially the US dollar, many currencies, especially the major international currencies, depreciated sharply against the US dollar, while the depreciation of the RMB exchange rate was relatively small. Because we do not want to increase exports through depreciation, which is not conducive to enterprise transformation and upgrading. We also do not want to fight trade, which is not conducive to the stability of international trade and the monetary system. We adhere to the reform of the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism and implement a managed floating exchange rate system based on market supply and demand. It can be said that with the increase in the flexibility of the RMB exchange rate, we have maintained the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level. Of course, this also benefits from the fact that the Chinese economy is basically oriented. The basic stability of the RMB exchange rate is an important contribution to the stability of the international monetary system.
As for foreign exchange reserves, China is the country with the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world. How much does a reasonable foreign exchange reserve need? This may have a process of practical exploration. In short, our foreign exchange reserves are abundant enough to cover imports and meet short-term debt-servicing needs, far above international standards.
As for when we talk about the authenticity and compliance of the use of foreign exchange, in fact, this has long been stipulated by laws and regulations. I am clear here that the reasonable use of foreign exchange for enterprises, residents to study abroad, etc. is guaranteed. The renminbi has a weight in the international monetary system, and the exchange rate will remain basically stable. Thank you.

Reuters reporter: Hello Prime Minister, my problem is also related to employment. This year the Chinese government is prepared to further reduce inefficient supply and expand effective supply. In this process, the government needs to ensure that laid-off workers can find new jobs and ensure their livelihood security issues. If I am a miner or a steel mill worker, what kind of new jobs can I find in the province? Which departments are expected to increase jobs this year?

Li Keqiang: You have made the employment issue more human and personalized. Last year, an important task of promoting supply-side structural reform was to resolve the surplus and backward production capacity of the steel and coal industries. What we are most concerned about is how to place good employees in the process of de-capacity. Therefore, the central government took 100 billion yuan of special funds for the transfer of employees, and required local government support. Last year, 720,000 workers in the process of overcapacity were properly resettled. Of course, there are still some employees who have not reached new jobs due to various factors, including some employees and enterprises who have deep feelings and want to stay for a while. But their lives are all falling.
This year, the capacity will be expanded to the coal-fired power field. In addition, some employees who have not been resettled last year may have nearly one million resettlement. Our approach is to create new jobs because we are driving the development of new kinetic energy. Just now I said that "double innovation" has driven a large number of new jobs. In fact, it has also transferred many traditional kinetic energy jobs. The conversion of old and new kinetic energy has also brought new vitality and vitality to traditional industries, which has given birth to new jobs. Of course, we have not taken it lightly, we will continue to use the special fund and ask the local government to do a good job. Of course, companies must also fulfill their social responsibilities.
If you are a coal miner, this mine has been eliminated, or temporarily suspended. I think you have strong and flexible employability. I suggest that you go to new kinetic energy, or go to the new career generated by the old kinetic energy. . Moreover, many Chinese enterprises are cultural. They have feelings for the old employees and go to work in new jobs. The enterprises will still give some subsidies to help the horses and send them a ride.
All in all, the placement of employees is still the most critical issue in our efforts to promote supply-side structural reforms and to resolve and eliminate excess capacity. Thank you.

澎湃News reporter: On the eve of the two sessions this year, the Chinese government network and 27 online media jointly launched the “I’m saying something to the Prime Minister” to collect opinions, and the news and today’s headlines made an online vote on issues closely related to people’s livelihood. Up to now, 21.31 million netizens have voted for “What should I do after the 70-year housing property expires?”. May I ask the Prime Minister, how is the country prepared to solve this problem?

Li Keqiang: I also want to ask, which of the many questions you have mentioned is ranked first?

澎湃News reporter: first place.

Li Keqiang: There is an old saying in China: There are perseverances in those who have permanent production. Netizens are actually masses, and it is understandable that the 70-year residential land use rights are subject to renewal. The State Council has asked the relevant departments to respond, that is, they can renew, do not need to apply, have no preconditions, and do not affect the transaction. Of course, some people may also say that you only said that there is legal protection? I emphasize here that the State Council has instructed relevant departments to study the law on real estate protection and study the proposal. Thank you.

Thai Manager Reporter: During President Obama’s tenure, he proposed the Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy. The Trump administration is now formulating a foreign policy toward Asia. Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries hope that the region will maintain peace and stability and will not see China and the United States. There is a conflict in this area, and it is even more reluctant to choose a side station. How do you see China’s role in the Asia-Pacific region now? What is China’s idea of the idealization of order and rules in the region? How does China and the United States continue in this region? Peaceful coexistence?

Li Keqiang: The Asia-Pacific region is a homeland shared by the regional countries. We do not want or want to see the so-called "selection of the sideline team" under the Cold War mentality. What is the matter to speak according to the right and wrong? In general, we must maintain the Asia-Pacific region. Peace and stability. Moreover, in the Asia-Pacific region, we have always regarded ASEAN as the priority direction of China's neighboring diplomacy, supported the construction of the ASEAN Community, and played a central role in regional cooperation. The Asia-Pacific region we hope to see is a stable and orderly region. It is a region where consensus can be reached and principles can be achieved. It is a region with the ability to control differences and a region with wisdom to resolve disputes.
China and ASEAN are advancing the consultations on the South China Sea Code of Conduct and have made substantial progress. We will continue to actively promote it. We hope to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea. The relevant disputes will be resolved through direct dialogue between the parties. Peace, stability and development.
China and the United States have cooperated in the Asia-Pacific region for many years, and we have many intersections of cooperation. Many US multinational companies have placed their sales headquarters in the Asia-Pacific region in China. We hope that the common interests of China-US cooperation will continue to expand, so that ASEAN countries can get opportunities from them instead of making you feel troublesome. Thank you.

Xinhua News Agency: Premier, hello. My problem is that we learned in the research interview that some companies now complain that the tax burden is too heavy, and they can't make much money for a long time. There are also consumers complaining that many high-quality products cannot be produced in China. May I ask the Prime Minister, what do you think of this? What are the policy measures for further improvement? Thank you.

Li Keqiang: I have used a lot of space in the government work report and put forward many measures to emphasize that this year we must promote more tax cuts and reductions, especially those administrative fees that are numerous and overwhelmed. These charges are useful, and some are used to "support" and reduce the fees. The government will have to live a tight life. I have made it clear that the central government must take the lead and reduce the general expenditure by more than 5%. I am attending a representative

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