Into Zhongtian

Industry + Real Estate + Finance

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As the host, Zhang Yukai, vice president of Dongguan Zhongda Alumni Association and president of Guangdong Zhongtian Group, expressed warm welcome to the arrival of alumni entrepreneurs. Then, he focused on Zhongtian's development history, strategic layout, business development, and sharing his deep thinking on development prospects and cooperation models.

Looking back on the development process, Zhang Yukai believes that the integration of “real estate + industry + finance” is inevitable. “Zhongtian will rely on the focus of 'industry', supplemented by the core profit model of 'real estate', plus the help of 'financial'. Achieve scale development and development."

Cooperation can go further. Zhang Yukai is eagerly awaiting the establishment of a fully open communication platform by entering the alumni corporate activities, and linking with the alumni resources to explore the fission and opportunity of “1+1=11”!

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On June 22, Zhongtian Industrial Finance Big Data Service Center settled in Beijing, Dongguan and Shenzhen. It has 8 self-built financial systems, and jointly launched China Merchants Fortune, Pengjin Institute, Hong Kong Yuchao Capital Group and other domestic and overseas strategic cooperation finance. The organization provides customized financial services for the whole life cycle of enterprises inside and outside the park.

Feng Yong, vice president of the group and general manager of the Industrial Finance Big Data Center, said that he hopes that by enhancing mutual understanding and actively digging resources, he will seek more cooperation opportunities with alumni association entrepreneurs.

Linkage resources, innovation and cooperation


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Yao Wenjie, director of Dongguan Zhongda Alumni Association and vice president of Dongguan Zhongda Entrepreneurs Association, introduced the Dongguan Zhongda Alumni Association in 2010, led by Zhang Zhongfan, chairman of Dongguan Zhongda Alumni Association and chairman of Guangdong Zhongtian Group. Adhering to the tenet of "unity alumni, serving alma mater, giving back to the society", the company is committed to promoting exchanges and cooperation between alumni entrepreneurs and serving alumni companies in cooperation and development.

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The Dongguan Zhongda Alumni Entrepreneur Association is positioned as a “high-end communication platform for alumni entrepreneurs” to build a high-quality communication and cooperation platform to help members expand resources and create investment and financing opportunities. Zhang Weiquan, president of the Dongguan Zhongda Alumni Association Entrepreneurs Association and Peking University HSBC Business School EDP Dongguan Alumni Association, said that visiting a good alumni company is for a better exchange, study and growth among alumni, "hope to borrow 'into the sky' Activities, allowing alumni entrepreneurs to communicate in depth and create opportunities for cooperation."

After the meeting, the alumni association entrepreneurs exchanged enthusiasm and accompanied by Zhongtian executives to visit the Lianke International Information Industry Park.

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