On July 7th, Zhongjing·Siwei's SimplyWork joint office space held a special opening ceremony: “Breaking the long (normal) turtle (regulation)” opening party.
Zhongjing·Siwei's joint office space is jointly built by Zhongtian's Zhongjing·Financial Innovation Center and Shenzhen's most benchmark joint office space operator, Siwei, and is the first joint office project of Zhongtian in Shenzhen. The successful launch of the project marks that Zhongtian has officially implemented the mutual assistance model of Guanshuang and Shuangcheng linkage and cooperation and complementation of various project parks. In the future, Zhongtian will use Dongguan's advantageous location in the fulcrum of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Economic Corridor to build a bridge between Guanshen and Shenzhen to help Pengcheng innovate and start a business.
Innovative office model

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Zhongjing·Siwei SimplyWork joint office space——To the traditional office model Say No, break through the self-limitation and know more like-minded partners; reject the boring, monotonous office, choose the versatile, fun and fun joint office space; work is already A happy thing, why are you still sticking to the stereotypes?
At the end of 2016, the Zhongjing·Financial Innovation Center and Shenzhen Siwei joint office space reached a strategic cooperation, and jointly joined the deep layout of the joint office.
Think Micro is a joint office space and comprehensive office service brand for small partners with office needs around the world. In addition to providing different office space, it is also a rich and diverse venture capital gathering place: think micro think tank, think micro closed Door road show, creative salon, etc. Zhongjing·Financial Innovation Center, as a window base for Zhongtian to realize the industry of Shenwan integration industry and a new platform for linking domestic and overseas resources, is committed to providing enterprises with a “industry+finance” model, linking the resources of its 13 industrial parks. Station-style professional customized service.
The two sides have joined hands to create a new urban youth entrepreneurial model and to help the rapid development of long-term enterprises. The integration of resources, high standards, high specifications and high starting point to create the flagship service version of the company - Zhongjing·Siwei joint office space.
Finance + navigation
Financial data core, industry service core. At the same time, Zhongjing Siwei will combine the financial resources of Zhongtian Industrial Finance Big Data Service Center to provide financial + services for outstanding young and growing quality enterprises to solve the problem of capital in entrepreneurship and development.
As an integrated financial service platform for the development of Zhongtian's strategy, the industrial finance big data service center is located in Beijing, Dongguan and Shenzhen, radiating national and overseas regions, and working with domestic and foreign professional financial institutions and authoritative big data research institutions to analyze big data. Drive and establish a sound market rating credit system to provide enterprises with full life cycle financial services.
For entrepreneurial youth and growth enterprises, the gold production center mainly invests in various forms such as capital stocks, rents and service income shares, with the characteristic investment mode of “investment + space”. At the same time, starting from the essence of the financial service of “helping and empowering”, the “investment and loan linkage” model is adopted. On the one hand, it cooperates with domestic and foreign professional financial institutions to provide loan financing, on the other hand, it combines market investment funds to carry out angel investment and venture capital investment. Equity investment in PE investment, mezzanine investment, etc., to carry out comprehensive financial services to protect young entrepreneurs and enterprise development.
The gold production center is stationed in Shenzhen

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Zhongjing?Siwei United Office Space is located on the 21st to 23rd floor of Shenzhen Tefa Information Technology Building. It is the largest office space in the 8 spaces of the country and the latest iterative upgrade of 8.0. It is in the interior decoration, enterprise introduction and daily operation. There are innovations in the aspects.
The opening of the joint office space of Zhongjing·Siwei is not only a fruitful achievement under the strong alliance. The leap from “0 to 1” is a new practice in the development of Zhongtian industry, and it is also Zhongtian actively seeking multi-party cooperation. Another case of mutual trust and win-win.
When the “big and complete” urban upgrade service providers meet the “small but fine” joint office service providers, what kind of spark will be made, we will wait and see!

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