Guangshen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Innovation Axis ▲

Zhongtian Group is located in the central position of Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Its main business is also in the innovative economic belt along the axis of Guangzhou-Shenzhen. It is just the middle position of the future Guangshen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor.

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In recent years, Zhongtian's production and integration strategy has focused on the field of innovative industries, taking the route of “park industrialization, industrial agglomeration, and development scale”, and has aggregated multiple industrial chains and powerful technology enterprises to form a dominant industry with leading effects. Regional headquarters gather to create a large-scale major project development platform to promote and enhance industrial competitiveness and regional competitiveness.

National incubator parks help regional innovation

In the past seven years, Zhongtianyu has been moving forward and its business has spread across the country. Taking innovation and development as our responsibility, we will give full play to the advantages of innovation resources and industrial advantages, stimulate the vitality of various innovation subjects, foster a good innovation and entrepreneurship ecology, and comprehensively enhance the overall effectiveness of the regional innovation system.

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National Technology Business Incubator Park ▲

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Lianke International Information Industry Park▲

Up to now, Zhongtian Industry Group's business covers 3 cities and has 13 parks. Among them, there are two state-level technology business incubator parks, several provincial incubator parks, and several municipal incubator parks. These industrial parks are becoming a new kinetic energy for the development of the innovation zone along the Guangzhou-Shenzhen axis.

Thousands of acres of new city, settled Guangshen Branch

Zhongtian Lianke International Information Industry Park has several high-speed, five-dimensional and convenient transportations around the city, such as Huanguan, Guangshen, Guanshen, Guangshen Port, and Chaoyang. It allows Lianke to link the resources of the Pearl River Delta with speed. From the geographical edge, it has also become an important node on the central axis of the integration of the Dawan District and the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor.

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Linkage location map ▲

As a state-level technology business incubator, provincial key project and municipal “three-fold” project, the overall planning land of Lianke International Information Industry Park will reach 1,000 mu, which will become a thousand-mu smart industry new city on the Guangshen Science and Technology Corridor.

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A thousand acres of wisdom production city corner ▲

The park is based on the industrial base of the Bay Area. With the main functions of entrepreneurship incubation, technology research and development and headquarters economy, the park is dominated by intelligent manufacturing, electronic information, energy conservation and environmental protection, business finance and ecological leisure. Through the construction of industrial factor platforms, industrial talents live. The satisfaction of the demand for commercial, leisure and entertainment facilities, the integration of industrial resources, the formation of industrial clusters, and the integration of technology, finance and industry.

The second phase of Lianke, which is in the planning and development stage, will build a business growth ecosystem with smart space and services, and build a smart industry new city with “human core”; introduce powerful enterprises, listed companies and headquarters enterprises in the industry. We will comprehensively promote the dual-innovation drive, build a scientific and technological innovation eco-industrial chain, and help promote the construction of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor.

Lianke thousand acres of wisdom production city corner ▲

Sitting in the core area of Dawan District, practicing the “financial +” strategy

As the financial theme industrial park in the core area of the Greater Bay Area, the International Financial Innovation Park is a state-level technology business incubator. Adhering to the operating philosophy of “providing specialized industries and park services for enterprises and promoting rapid growth of enterprises”, the company is committed to supporting the mass entrepreneurs to innovate and guide the “transfusion” of credit funds.

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International Financial Innovation Park Reality ▲

In recent years, through the introduction of high-quality venture capital institutions, angel funds and other financial resources as the core strength of the park, financial services support the development of high-tech industries and modern service industry clusters.

Aerial view of the International Finance Innovation Park ▲

Zhongtian has also established more than 30 financial and big data companies to set up an industrial financial big data service center to provide specialized and customized integrated financial services for entrepreneurial teams and even long-term enterprises with the help of big data analysis tools. The “investment + space” characteristic business model is adopted to provide space-free rent-free, investment incubation, financing services and one-stop entrepreneurship counseling services for the incubation-oriented entrepreneurial projects, and comprehensively link the construction of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor.


Gold production center unveiled ▲

At the same time, Zhongtian and Country Garden and other industry benchmarking companies have joined forces to achieve strategic cooperation. By integrating their respective advantageous resources, driven by industry introduction, they will actively integrate into the construction of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dawan District, and will gather more innovations for the construction of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor.

Zhongtian· Country Garden strategic cooperation signing site ▲

Hong Kong + Shenzhen + Dongguan Detonated Dawan District

In the Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, through simple calculations, it can be found that Dawan District has a total of 26.35 trillion yuan of funds, but in the narrow area of Hong Kong and Shenzhen (5.5% of the area of Dawan District), it has gathered in Dawan District 63. % of the funds. Obviously, "Hong Kong and Shenzhen" is the absolute center of Dawan District.

Dawan District City Strength Map ▲

Among the Pearl River Delta urban agglomerations, Shenzhen and Dongguan are the first two cities to call out the concept of “the same city”. With the planning of the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District, the new core of “Hong Kong-Shenzhen” is basically certain. Professor Li Zexiang of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is firmly convinced that "Hong Kong-Shenzhen" is the core of the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and will become the new Silicon Valley of the world.

Hong Kong's science and education, finance and policy, Shenzhen's innovation and efficiency, Dongguan's space resources and intelligent manufacturing, each has its own advantages. Professor Li Zexiang believes that the combination of “Hong Kong and Shenzhen” can complement the innovation industry chain and solve the problems that have not been resolved in 30 years.

On the issue of "the combination of "Hong Kong and Shenzhen", the Zhongtian Group, which is located in the core area of the Dawan District, will also benefit significantly. Zhongtian has already deployed investment banking and fund business in Hong Kong. In Shenzhen, it has financing business and production city integration development business. In Dongguan, Zhongtian has the industrial and financial business that radiates the entire Dawan District. These businesses will be the synergy for the development of science and technology, and will be the first to rush out of “Hong Kong and Shenzhen” and become a new Silicon Valley in the world, providing strong support.

The future has come. In this Guangshen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, Zhongtian will use the shared and open innovation model and resources to do a good job of integrating the production city, injecting the impetus for the comprehensive integration of the Dawan District integration and the construction of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, and also for the national innovation. Developmental transformation provides a vivid sample.
PREV:Zhongtian is committed to urban renewal, and the old Guancheng glows new face.NEXT:Zhongtian and Country Garden launch industry + supporting strategic cooperation