▲ signing the scene
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▲ signing the scene

Li Ting, General Manager of Shenzhen Zhonghai Real Estate Co., Ltd., Du Yongqiang, Luo Haichuan, General Manager of Operations, Zhang Junfan, Chairman of Guangdong Zhongtian Group, Zhang Yukai and Executives of the President attended the signing ceremony and visited the Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and the Urban Planning Exhibition Hall.

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▲Visit Shenzhen Contemporary Art Museum and Urban Planning Exhibition Hall

At the signing ceremony, General Manager Li Ting said that he had the good fortune to start a good cooperation with Zhongtian in Dongguan. Thanks to Zhongtian’s trust and support for China Overseas Real Estate, the two sides can complement each other in the Shenwanhui area and will be producing In-depth cooperation in urban integration. Chairman Zhang Junfan said that the cooperation with Zhonghai Real Estate is very friendly. This time, he went to the Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and the Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, a landmark project of China Overseas Real Estate, to benefit from the study. It is hoped that the two sides will further deepen cooperation in the integration of production and city in the future, and jointly seize the great opportunity of the construction of Dawan District to achieve win-win cooperation.

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▲Dawan District City Strength Map

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▲Zhonghai real estate executives and Zhongtian Group executives take a group photo

In today's world, the Bay Area has become an important growth pole for the development of the global economy and a leader in leading technological change. The resulting “Bay Area Economy” effect has attracted the attention of the world. At present, the economic effects of the Tokyo Bay Area, the New York Bay Area, and the San Francisco Bay Area have been recognized by the world, and with the advancement of the national strategy of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dawan District, and the gradual implementation of the construction plan of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, China The future prospects of the "Bay Area Economy" are immeasurable. Under this big era, how to seize the big opportunities and gain greater development has become the thinking of many enterprises.

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▲Zhonghai Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Urban Planning Exhibition Hall Project

With 38 years of experience in real estate development and real estate operations management, Zhonghai Real Estate is positioned to become an excellent international real estate development and operation group. After 38 years of development, China Overseas Real Estate has established three industrial clusters: “Residential Development”, “Urban Operation”, “Creative Design and Modern Service”. The business covers more than 60 cities in New York, London, Sydney, Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland, with more than 450 development projects. Guangdong Zhongtian Group is a cross-regional diversified investment and industrial-integrated service provider of “industry, real estate and finance”. The business mainly covers the construction and operation of science and technology and cultural and creative industrial parks, real estate and real estate investment. Urban renewal and supporting investment, environmental protection and financial services are located in 15 provinces and 35 cities in China, overseas in the United States, Vietnam and Hong Kong and Taiwan.

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▲The two sides had an in-depth exchange during the visit.

In 2015, China Overseas Real Estate and Zhongtian opened cooperation for the first time in Dongguan, jointly developed the Zhonghai Hongshushan project, and launched the urban renewal project cooperation. It is based on the good and close cooperation foundation of several projects over the past two years. The signing of this strategic cooperation agreement marks that the two sides will further deepen cooperation, especially in the integration of production and city, and hope to achieve great development with great opportunities.

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▲The two parties took a photo in front of the Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and the Urban Planning Exhibition Hall

The Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and the Urban Planning Exhibition Hall are an innovation of the investment, construction and operation management of the Shenzhen Municipal Government and China Overseas Real Estate. The two pavilions are a comprehensive cultural venue integrating art collection and display, information inquiry and publicity, and reception and sightseeing.

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▲Guangshen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Schematic

In the era of big times, big opportunities, and great future, Guangdong Zhongtian Group will continue to work with its partners to continue to integrate the production city with the shared and open innovation model, and to integrate into the construction of the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Bay Area. The construction of Guangzhou-Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor will seize the important historical opportunities endowed by the times and promote the great development of all undertakings.
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