▲ At 5 o'clock in the morning, gather at the door of Beijing company

At about 23 o'clock in the middle of the eighth day, executives arrived at the destination - Zhongtian Beijing Company. At this time, some executives have just rushed back from abroad, and it is too late to return to the time difference; some executives have entered the working state in advance in order to deploy a new year's work, and have been fighting for many days, sleeping only 3 or 4 hours a day.

At 4:30 in the morning of the 9th, Beijing's spring is cold. The gathering whistle, the executives who slept for less than 4 hours, climbed out of bed, packed up their bags, and prepared for the challenge.

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▲Captain Zhang Yukai cheers and cheers for the players before departure.

At 5:05, at the entrance of Zhongtian Beijing Company, the executives were ready to go. From this moment on, there were only "team members" in the outreach activities, and no other status; they were asked to forget their identity, age, gender, and all actions unconditionally obey the command of the leader.

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▲Every day at 6 o'clock in Tiananmen Square

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At about 6 o'clock, all the team members arrived at Tiananmen Square in the morning, and the cold wind in Beijing in the early morning, but the cold did not weaken the enthusiasm of the players. After waiting for a moment in the viewing area, the People’s Liberation Army’s flag ceremonial team began a flag-raising ceremony in a neat step. The fluttering national flag and the majestic national anthem spur the invocation of all the players to unite as one, not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and for the dream of Zhongtian people, the mission must be reached.

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▲For Zhongtian Dream, mission must be reached

After the end of the Tiananmen Square ceremony, all the members did not stop, immediately rushed to the leaders of the sharing economy and the high-quality entrepreneurial platform to share the international trade, just over an hour, they shared the mobile office, shared apartment and The characteristic business incubation operation mode has been well understood, and it has grown in learning by benchmarking the industry benchmark.

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Shared International Trade

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The Great Wall is the epitome of the enterprising spirit of the Chinese nation. The Great Wall of Mutianyu is the essence of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty. The wall of the Great Wall remains intact. It enjoys the reputation of “Great Wall, Mutianyu” in both China and abroad. At 10:30, all the members who had just finished studying at the shared time, rushed to Mutianyu Great Wall and started a five-hour trekking trip.

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▲Toward the "Great Wall" in my heart

Mutianyu Great Wall is connected to Gubeikou in the east and Juyongguan in the west. The mountainous area in the scenic area is overlaid with a vegetation coverage rate of over 90%. It is the longest wall in China and the most difficult and difficult to climb.

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▲Mu Tianyu Great Wall

The team members were amazed by the majesty of the Great Wall of Mutianyu. They stopped from time to time to enjoy the beauty of the inner and outer walls of the Great Wall and feel the charm of the thousand-year-old history and civilization of China. They took a firm step and made great strides forward. For the players, this is not only a climb of the Great Wall, but also a spiritual climb of their own. It is a big step forward for Zhongtian's future career.

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▲ insist will win

The five-hour climb allowed the players to fully appreciate the beauty of the Great Wall. But more important is to appreciate the dangers of Mutianyu Great Wall. Standing tall and straight, the indomitable Great Wall, in the hugs of the mountains, is very spectacular and very dangerous! This has put a great test on the players in terms of physical strength and endurance. There were two women in the team. After a while, they began to feel more and more difficult. All the team members did not abandon and give up, help each other, encourage each other, support each other, and finally all successfully climbed to the top.

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▲ teammates help each other

"The cause has been built on the ground since ancient times, and there is no such thing as the Great Wall." The hardships and twists of the career path are the same as the long and steep cliffs of the Great Wall. They need to be practical, endurable, persistent and mutually supportive.

After 5 hours of experience, Zhongtian’s banner of “gathering wisdom, innovation, and gratitude” finally began to fly in the Great Wall of Mutianyu. Despite the strong crosswinds, the flags were blown down again and again, and the players took turns to fight the flag and finally climbed to the top. During the process of climbing, some of the players were physically weak, and the teammates hurried forward, helping to carry the bag, picking up the cup and encouraging to keep going.

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▲ teammates support each other

Before the departure, Captain Zhang Yukai said: "We have our Zhongtian dream. In 2018, we hope that through our unremitting efforts, we can become an excellent enterprise and our business will go all over the country." In the expansion, he shared his own Heart journey. He said that a person can't be proficient in everything, and it's impossible to succeed in everything. But we are not alone, it is a team battle, we can achieve the superposition of individual abilities, and make everything as much as possible. Ok, so as long as we are united, we will go better and go further!

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▲Unity is power

After leaving the Great Wall, all the team members shared their thoughts on the journey of tempering their minds in combination with their actual work and the 2018 work goals. The excerpts of the small series are as follows:

Team member Ma Jinling said that through this challenge to the Great Wall, he realized a truth: the road must always go by itself. Once you can't finish, you can walk in sections, take a break, rest for a while, and finally reach the end.

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▲The road depends on oneself.

Team member Wang Wei said that with a clear sense of purpose, you can firmly believe and dare to achieve the big goal.

Zheng Tongen, a member of the team, said that when the day falls, he will suffer his hard work and work hard. Unity + action will release a strong traction.

Zhang Lei, a player, said that although the task is strong, as long as he can play the role of a good locomotive, lead the team to move forward and fight hard with full effort. The result may be that "the two sides of the strait can't hold back, the light boat has passed the Wanzhong Mountain."

The team member Fang Meiling said that the heart has a big goal, and the foot is small mileage, which is achieved step by step. If you look at the market with a solid vision and attitude, you may be eliminated by the market.

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▲The team member Mei Ling has a big goal

Team member Sun Junyi said that applause is for those who achieve big goals, and glory is not a conservative. Finding a self-disparity from a good person can be excellent.

Yes, there are dreams to go further and better. Finally, combined with the 2018 performance target, executives have brainstormed and gained a lot of ideas on how to meet their goals. More than 30 hours of development ended smoothly. Under the night, the executives did not have time to rest, and went to the airport to set foot on their way home. New day and new work is waiting for them. On the way home, a "Great Wall Long" has been lingering in my heart for a long time...

Sun shine, the wall of the great wall

Dreams hang on my heart,

It provokes the ambition of hard work,

It warms our hearts.

Sun shine, the wall of the great wall

Career is hanging on my heart,

It embodies the hard work of Zhongtian people.

It carries eager hope.

Go ahead, not afraid of difficulties and obstacles;

Fight hard, not afraid of rain and snow;

Today, we are standing on the high Mutianyu...
PREV:Excellent, become a habit of this teamNEXT:Zhongtian "financial +" three years of tempering Guangdong and Hong Kong landing help Bay Area