▲ 2017 Outstanding Team Award - Zhongjing Fund Team

At the national "two sessions" held in early 2017, the national strategy of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District was born. As an important space carrier for China to build a world-class urban agglomeration and participate in global competition, it participates, integrates and helps build the Dawan District. For a diversified investment group, it is both a major development opportunity and an honor and responsibility. In this context, the Zhongjing fund team came into being in Shenzhen.

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▲Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District

Since March 2017, this young team has been rooted in the Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau and Macau Bay Areas. With the innovative investment concept of “investment + space”, the young team is committed to exploring high-quality investment opportunities and has established relationships with many domestic and overseas financial institutions. Close cooperation, providing one-stop financial solutions for enterprises. In less than eight months, they have been involved in more than 60 projects including Internet, 3D printing, semiconductors, automobiles, and entertainment. In this process, the team is constantly evolving and gradually develops into a team of 11 elites.

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▲Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, the core city of Dawan District - Shenzhen

As an investment team, in order to accurately grasp the investment judgment, they often have to “contact a project and understand an industry”. In order to seize the investment opportunities of each quality project, the team must always keep abreast of the work status. Once there is a goal, the previous industry research, field research and research, investment analysis report ... they will never stop. Around the world, day and night, they said, just to let go, good to know any quality investment opportunities.

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▲ work site

In July 2017, the team was formed only for 4 months, which led to the establishment of the PE strategy fund “Zhongtian No.1” jointly with the Group and China Merchants Wealth. The fund was jointly managed by Zhongjing Fund and China Merchants Wealth. The “Zhongtian No. 1” fund focuses on non-listed company equity, private placements and other designated investments. By the end of 2017, “Zhongtian No.1” has completed 6 investment projects and 8 quality projects, which effectively promoted the innovative development of Zhongtian “financial+” business.

On February 1, 2018, under the strictest regulatory environment, the Zhongjing Fund successfully filed with the China Securities Investment Fund Association, highlighting that the fund team's professional experience and clear business development plan are highly recognized by the competent authorities.

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▲ Zhongjing Fund successfully filed

A responsibility lies in the shoulders, a mission is in the heart, and a responsibility is in the line. While actively expanding diversified investment and financing channels, the team also cooperated with domestic and foreign professional financial institutions and authoritative big data research institutions to form an “Industrial Finance Big Data Service Center” according to the needs of the Group's business strategy development. Driven by big data analysis, we will establish a comprehensive market rating credit system to provide enterprises with a full range of financial services. In addition, the team also established a solid foundation for the domestic and overseas financial linkages of the Zhongtian Group through the establishment of the “Holding Dollar Investment Fund”.

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▲Inauguration Ceremony of Industrial Finance Big Data Service Center

In 2018, Zhongjing Fund will integrate the resources of domestic and foreign excellent financial institutions with professional and rigorous work style, and adhere to the financial service to help the Group's various business publishing bureaus and expansion purposes, and effectively serve the Group's multi-development strategy. "Financial +" strategy is dedicated!

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PREV:Zhongtian "Industry + Supporting" mode landed in GuangxiNEXT:Forever Young, the most beautiful "Fanghua" is on the road! ——Zhongtian Guangxi team documentary