▲Participating in the second session of the board of directors

New starting point, new journey
At the second council held in the afternoon of the same day, Zhongshan University alumnus and Zhang Zhongfan, chairman of Guangdong Zhongtian Group, were elected as re-elected presidents. Li Jianqiang alumni served as executive vice president and Yan Wenjie alumni as vice president and secretary general. The meeting also elected 37 members of the second council of the Alumni Association and one supervisor. The members of the new board of directors are outstanding representatives of the alumni of Wan Guan. They come from all walks of life and have strong strength and enthusiasm. They will inherit the development and pass the fire.

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▲The second session of the board of directors

In his speech, President Zhang Junfan expressed his gratitude to the alumni for their trust in themselves and all the members of the board of directors. The election of the second board of directors is a new starting point and a new journey. I hope that the alumni representatives and board members present will continue to care. And support alumni associations, unite more alumni, organize more activities, build a more solid platform, and work together to promote the work of the alumni association to a higher level.
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▲President Zhang Junfan delivered a speech

The meeting also read out the decision to hire Zhao Haosen alumni as a consultant to the alumni association. President Zhang Junfan pointed out that Professor Zhao served as a consultant to the Alumni Association, which will help deepen the cooperation between industry, universities and research institutes, promote the docking of resource platforms, and enhance the ability and potential of alumni associations to serve local development.

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▲ meeting site

Vice President and Secretary-General Qi Wenjie made a work report and financial report on behalf of the Board of Directors, focusing on the work and achievements of the Alumni Association in strengthening organizational development, enhancing social influence, serving the alma mater, and building brand activities. In the future, we will use emotion as the link, communication as the foundation, cooperation as the premise, service as the means, activity as the carrier, and win-win as the guide. We will continue to build the alumni association into a bridge of communication, an emotional harbor, and value-added. Platform." Subsequently, Yan Wenjie read out the newly revised "Dongguan Zhongshan University Alumni Association Charter" and passed the meeting for approval.

Gathering people, gathering wisdom

On the afternoon of June 10, at the "four in the forefront of the nation" alumni forum at Sun Yat-sen University, Vice President Xiao Haipeng conveyed the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping during the deliberation of the Guangdong delegation at the 13th National People's Congress. The spirit of a meeting of the 13th National People's Congress. He emphasized that the purpose and goal of "a gathering of people, gathering wisdom, and gathering resources" for the work of alumni of CUHK will be to bring together the wisdom and resources of alumni to the center of school development, and to highlight the past The outstanding achievements in the past three years and the goals and important deployments in the new era.

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▲ Vice President Xiao Haipeng delivered a speech

The alumni of the conference will focus on the new orientation, new structure, new ideas, new tasks, and how the alumni of Zhongda University will discuss the issues of “four in the forefront of the country” and “double-class” construction in the alma mater. Vice President Xiao Haipeng eagerly responded to questions raised by alumni. He said that at present, Sun Yat-sen University is actively integrating into the strategic layout of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, integrating into the “top-up plan” for the construction of high-level hospitals in Guangdong, promoting the construction of national-level regional medical and health centers, and promoting the coordinated development of medical education and research.

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▲ meeting site

Yang Xiaolu, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, said that Vice President Xiao Haipeng’s speech gave a lot of encouragement and reflection. He emphasized that the "Chinese Dream" that promotes Sun Yat-sen University's progress toward world-class colleges and universities and realizes the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is closely linked. At present, we are in a very good time coordinate. The time is the country has entered a new era; the geographical location is the geographical location of Guangdong. It has development advantages, especially Dongguan is located in the core area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District; Renhe has many Zhongda alumni to start a business in Dongguan. Yang Changwei pointed out that talent is the first resource, and innovation is the first driving force. I hope that the alumni association will integrate personal development into the overall development of social undertakings. In the current process of modernization and high quality development in Dongguan, expand the cooperation areas and methods of alumni and alma mater and localities. , fully serve Dongguan, Guangdong "four in the forefront of the country."

With the same breath, the fate

"Baiyun Mountain is high, the Pearl River is long, and my school stands tall. It is Guoguang." On the evening of June 10th, the 2018 annual meeting of the Zhongshan Alumni Association of Dongguan City was held in the impassioned school songs. Vice President Xiao Haipeng, Standing Committee Member Yang Xiaoyu, and representatives of relevant school leaders and alumni gathered together to discuss the friendship between China and the United States.

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▲Xiao Haipeng issued a letter of appointment to President Zhang Junfan

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At the annual meeting, Vice President Xiao Haipeng and President Zhang Junfan jointly opened the book symbolizing “free thought and independent spirit” and launched the “Yong Geng Academic Publishing Fund” initiated by the Dongguan Alumni Association to declare the project in 2018.

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Since its establishment in 2010, the Zhongshan Alumni Association of Dongguan City has experienced the rapid growth stage of “Starting, Sailing, Winding, and Wings”, and has always practiced the spirit of “Education, Interrogation, Deliberation, Discrimination, and Mind”. The goal of "communication bridge, emotional harbor, value-added platform" is unremitting efforts, and it is the same as Dongguan development and alma mater development, sharing the same fate, not forgetting the initial heart and moving forward.

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President Zhang Junfan pointed out that the alma mater, Sun Yat-sen University, has sent a large number of talents for the economic and social development of Dongguan. The majority of the alumni have made great contributions to the economic development of Dongguan, and they have also won praises for their alma mater. He said that the achievements of the alumni association after more than eight years of establishment are also inseparable from the support and affirmation of Sun Yat-Sen University and the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. The Dongguan Alumni Association will be in the development of Dongguan, promoting school-site cooperation, and integrating alumni resources. Make new and solid steps to make the work better.

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