Zhongtian Jilong Long Ting international effort to build a real estate project is the transit of large residential real estate projects, but also the key investment projects in Zhangjiajie. Project is located in Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, where land is a natural peninsula pattern, plus planning Lishui landscape, has a "hillside, with water, Peninsula," the natural characteristics of a beautiful natural environment. Last December, after the joint efforts of the project, detailed planning of the project formally adopted by the local government for approval, has taken a first step to success.

It is reported that the project will be in two phases, one mainly for apartments, residential and ancillary commercial street; two are residential and ancillary commercial street, clubs and kindergartens and other public service facilities construction land. Estimated project is completed, will provide the public with an upscale Zhangjiajie local fashion ranks and become a local real estate development in a shiny card.

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