Then enter face to face communication links, employees have on their issues of concern to ask questions , the situation from the industry , the Group's development direction , the operating conditions of each company to the corporate culture, employee engagement , corporate welfare system and the development of its own staff and other issues, are all directors of the Group CEO Zhang Yukai detailed answers. Particularly in relation to the relevant company or sector, but Zhang also invited the scene for the staff of the company executives answering questions directly .

" Face to face with the management ," salon in addition to answering questions for employees , we also actively share their work experience , and the current group of production and management, innovative approaches and innovative activities , training systems , and other aspects of the repository proposed to establish the rationalization proposals . Zhang president listened carefully to all sides , it is also analyzed, on the Group's business and employee work-life helpful suggestions given full recognition, and promised as soon as possible to further improve the Group's various mechanisms and improve staff motivation . The management and staff face to face , up close contact and interaction, so the atmosphere is more high, the activities to a climax. A time to speak competing employees working in all questions have been answered , the senior leadership and staff integration, portrait without barriers to communication.

Sharing and listening to recommendations, Zhang CEO also told to share his work on enterprise management and some of the views and suggestions. He said: one , whether in any case , even if the different industries, different companies, different times, people are our most important asset , the enterprise's success is inseparable from human resources , so we must pay attention to our employees , good staff management , provides funding for staff service because employees are the source of wealth creation for the enterprise . Second, the Group is involved in a wider area , how he handled the heavy work . Zhang also told us president revealed his secret - every day to find a little time to calm down , you can exercise to promote their own every day to stay awake , and plan a good day 's work. He said: " their quantity and quality of the work done , not by the urging of others , but mainly their own planning ." Third, the problem for the staff's sense of belonging to the company 's senior leadership attitudes and impact on the Group's view is that staff attitude the main factors , recommended that senior staff should " from me" , to be "low key when the leadership , a high-profile focus on management ." "humane , people, institutionalized steward ." for all employees to do service work .

Commenting on the Group's development , Zhang CEO intended Briefly Gai said: " I hope that the development of Guangdong Zhongtian Group is robust in progress, getting better and better ! " He encouraged everyone , we must have the confidence of an Endeavour and efforts, Guangdong Zhongtian Group does not seek momentary intensity and large, we are able to pursue long-term steady progress and continuous development . Then, also on the development of the Group 's expectations and goals to everyone decomposition, he wants us to do with all of our employees for all , can the people around us by society and the recognition and respect, and that our goal is to make industry benchmark products , and hope the company can have the ability to deal with various changes to survive , to be able to survive for development and progress, to be able to achieve resilient, resist all kinds of crises.

" Face to face with the management ," Sharon activities aimed at management and staff hope that through face to face contact distance , listen all company personnel career aspirations and work aspirations , more intuitive understanding of the dynamic staff and ideas for building on the lower level a two-way communication platform , to further boost staff morale and improve staff cohesion, centripetal force to create the conditions for employees to provide a broader space for development, but also for the Group's development and lay a more solid foundation. Activities have been colleagues alike, so that everyone apart from deep feelings , but also gives you a more clear positioning and its own development direction of the work .

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