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At the groundbreaking ceremony, by the shareholders in the new century leading real estate company's chairman Liang Zhibin start, we carried out in accordance with local customs worship ceremony started to show started down. With the sound of firecrackers, the project site within the start piling machine, marking Qingyuan Dijingwan garden entered a substantive stage started.

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New American · Dijingwan gardens are the only group in Qingyuan invest in building high-end residential projects, located in Qingyuan City East Side street, west Carriage Road, north to the Planning Education Road, south Floodway, the West o era real estate projects. Not only is sitting on the carriage River line water resources, natural and beautiful environment, but also close to the city of Guangzhou-Qingyuan Avenue development axis, by the city center's radiation and driven, convenient transportation, which will help to attract the crowd surrounding areas. After completion of the garden will become Dijingwan advanced design, excellent quality, complete and perfect, modern, intelligent, green, energy saving, high-grade high-quality residential communities.

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With the future of intercity rail Guang-Qing official opening, to the north of Guangzhou will be just 25 minutes Qingyuan, Qingyuan, Guangzhou will undertake the transfer of industries, efforts to build a beautiful back garden of Guangzhou became an important role. By then, the garden Dijingwan locational advantages will become more prominent, the appreciation potential.
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