DISPATCH company access to Guangdong Zhongtian Group ac +

By the Dispatch Lee , CEO of the company and six members of the elite team, December 13 arrived in Dongguan , open access exchange trip.

Mr. Li and his entourage visited the city museum , Yulan Theatre , as well as Guangdong Zhongtian Group Yinfeng carefully crafted effort Valley and other creative projects, Dongguan, economic, cultural , dining and Guangdong Zhongtian Group 's industrial layout, creative development gave high praise : "A pleasant surprise in Dongguan , China is bound to generate and expand the influence of the emerging cultural center ." And plans to settle Dispatch future in Dongguan China headquarters. Dispatch on behalf of the company after the visit Yinming Xi laments: "borderless cultural industry is accelerating the arrival of the era ," he said " will work with Dongguan and Guangdong Zhongtian Group together , make every effort to promote cultural exchanges between China and South Korea ."

Group President Mr. Zhang Yukai said: Dongguan is becoming creative industry park , Dispatch as a global fashion Korean propaganda media, such as with our Guangdong Zhongtian Group reached a real partnership will help the company in Dongguan and creative Valley as a regional cultural industries in the hinterland , will be in the creative industries in Guangdong Zhongtian Group forum most potential partners.

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In the pleasant visit of two days in Dongguan , Dispatch and Guangdong Zhongtian Group finally reached 2013 Creative Valley Phase I "Korean Wave" thematic cooperation projects herald Korean cultural feast in the near future, will wind up in Dongguan , sweeping the nation .

Links Introduction +

Dispatch News South Korea ranked first in the online paparazzi fashion online media . The site http://dispatch.co.kr concept note by millions of people , to attract young people 18-35 years old population nationwide more than 70% eyeball , in recent years it is being more and more Internet users are greatly recognized and sought after. Dispatch is headquartered in Seoul, in South Korea , the branch in the form of pictorial magazine has been extended to Japan, recent plans settled in Dongguan, China South China Region branch of Urban Construction , Dispatch 's arrival, the Chinese people will bring Korean culture and life way . We all know that the upcoming 2013 will be more exciting , China ready ? Are you ready ? Southern Style again !

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