Learning Exchange will be the first from Dongguan Vanke responsible person Vanke project pre- planning processes and organizational management, project organization design , engineering, quality defects , quality control system , supervision , the total package , subcontractor management and control measures , new technology / application of new materials and benchmarking real estate , etc. to share successful experiences , elaborated Vanke "quality" philosophy and the " people" philosophy. Zhongtian Group Members are extremely great importance to the management of the exchange , combined with the company in the management of project management bottlenecks encountered in -depth exchanges . Zhang said that , good project management long way to go , learning needs perseverance, constantly find problems at work constantly to find a solution to the problem. At the same time , requiring management and engineering and technical personnel to quickly learn from Vanke engineering framework established in the excellent experience, effectively enhance the company's engineering and quality management. Group will Zhangjiajie, Hunan Branch of the project , for example, learning Vanke good idea , blending the company's actual situation, the full implementation of the project quality management system. Next, the group will organize various senior management and engineering staff to carry out " learning experience sharing sessions " to further promote quality awareness , so that all companies have to pay attention to quality, excellence, quality consciousness full mobilization , to create a high-quality benchmarking project .
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Through this exchange, transit management have said you learn a lot of good project management concepts , to carry out further work has brought new inspiration. Vanke project management is in place, very standard , Vanke Group and cooperation in six years has remained high and stable cooperation , the exchange of learning , increase mutual trust and understanding, values and philosophy of cooperation in the enterprise reached greater consensus , and Vanke will promote transit broader and deeper cooperation .
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