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Subsequently, the award was given for the tray relay and the men/women group tug-of-war team competition. The two award-winning midfielders gave their on-the-spot fancy fruit platter production performances and received warm applause from the audience.

Nine years of smashing Fanghua, nine years of your peers, and 23 hotel employees who have been with the hotel for more than five years have received the rewards of the hotel for the number of years. Especially from the pioneering and opening of the business, the hotel veteran who has been in the storm for nine years, Mr. Li personally commended them and took photos with them. Immediately after the "Grateful Heart" sign language show performance added a warm heart to the party. Finally, the party slowly came to a close in the joyful and sweet "Happy Birthday" song.

At the same time, during the celebration period, the staff living area displayed the smile/blessing wall, honor/retrospective exhibition with the theme of “Broken Fanghua, Peer with You”, and the red lanterns were hung up, which greatly enriched the hotel's 9th anniversary. . Combined with the organization of the tug-of-war competition and skill competition, the employees' sense of belonging and joy celebration atmosphere have been effectively enhanced.
PREV:President Zhang Yukai and the senior management of the group met with Mr. Chen Zhilie and Ms. Luo Xiaoyin.NEXT:Zhangjiajie Dragon Court passed the international project total compliance program