At the same time, the company also plans to use BSC (balanced scorecard) and OA office platform as the information technology support for the sound operation of the company's management system, establish a performance appraisal system suitable for real estate companies, so that the company's employees' performance evaluation is more scientific and objective. And just.

The so-called BSC is a performance appraisal tool widely used by many large real estate companies (as shown below). It can scientifically evaluate the performance of employees from four dimensions: finance, customer, internal and learning growth, and achieve objective and fair results. The assessment indicators are quantifiable and effective. The tool tool can also be used as an important tool for the board of directors to evaluate the company's financial profit and the company's high-level work performance.

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In addition, as the foundation of the information platform, the OA office system is also an important part of the management system. At the end of February this year, the company exchanged and discussed with the five suppliers of Lanling, UFI, Jindie, Xieda and Fanwei, respectively, from the existing cost system and financial system to the establishment of the office OA platform. OA collaborative office, marketing manpower property system management, and then all systems are highly integrated and deepened, and establish a perfect ERP system based on real estate development, sales and property management business, including internal communication and knowledge management, decision support and other content. Provide scientific data information for company decision-making, achieve efficient organization, and enhance management's monitoring of the organization. At present, the specific implementation of this work is in full swing.
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