Zhongtian·Main Mountain Holiday Apartment
Project summary

Main Hill Holiday Apartment is located in Dongbao Road, Dongcheng District, Dongguan City, Dongcheng Commercial Circle. The surrounding supporting facilities are complete, and the commercial facilities such as Expo Plaza, OLE, Tianhe Department Store, Tianhong Department Store and Wal-Mart are intensively developed. The real estate development was at the end of 2005.

Project details
Main Hill Holiday Apartment is located in Dongbao Road, Dongcheng District, Dongguan City, Dongcheng Commercial Circle. The surrounding supporting facilities are complete, and the commercial facilities such as Expo Plaza, OLE, Tianhe Department Store, Tianhong Department Store and Wal-Mart are intensively developed. The real estate development was at the end of 2005. The total area is nearly 5,000 square meters, with a total construction area of about 30,000 square meters, a total of 351 sets.
The main mountain holiday apartment continues the Zhongtian Litong urban boutique series development model, with a single apartment of 60 square meters as the main type, and a height of 3.9 meters creates a loft space. Leading the market in the area to form a wave of small-scale development and construction.