The leaders of Chang'an Town Government visited the park accompanied by President Zhang Yukai of Zhongtian Group.

During the inspection, Mr. Ma Jianhuai explained to the leaders of the Chang'an Town Government and reported on the construction of the park and the current status of the enterprises. Lianfeng Creative Valley is a provincial-level creative industry center park in Dongguan. It is located in Guancheng, close to the administrative center of Dongguan City and within 700 meters of the CBD. The transportation is convenient and the surrounding communities are mature. The entire park covers an area of more than 54,300 square meters, with a construction area of about 93,000 square meters. There are 13 properties in two phases, which were developed in two phases. In 2008, the Guancheng District Government led the development of the first phase, introducing southern education and training, Dongguan Software Incubation Park ( Have a national software laboratory and other institutions); In 2012, the government introduced the private enterprise creative industry brand “Zhongtian Creative Valley” for the second phase of development, and named the park “Lianfeng Creative Valley”, which was awarded “Yufeng Creative Valley” in September of the same year. The title of “Provincial Creative Industry Center Park”.

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Mr. Ma Jianhuai of Zhongtian Group introduced the development of Lianfeng Creative Valley to the leaders of Chang'an Town Government

Up to now, Lianfeng Creative Valley Park has successfully introduced 175 companies, including the international design company Tucano (Italy), the representative of Dongguan's original original animation - Mancai Culture Communication Co., Ltd., the largest medical electronics in South China Business leading enterprises - and other bright spot enterprises.

During the inspection, Chang'an Town Government expressed strong interest in the operation mode of “Zhongtian Creative Valley” and the growth of the company. Group executives said that “Zhongtian Creative Valley” actively responded to the government’s call to build a creative industrial park through “three old renovations”, making full use of the Group’s “two platforms, one center”, namely “cultural and creative industry financial service platform” and “ The Cultural and Creative Industry Service Platform and the Business Promotion Center provide a broad creative industry development platform and comprehensive market services for enterprises entering the park. In this way, not only has the original industrial structure been changed, but also the society has created higher economic and cultural values, thereby promoting industrial upgrading and helping urban transformation.

After listening to the introduction of the relevant person in charge of the group, the Changan Town Government expressed a high degree of appreciation for the operation mode of the park and was very optimistic about the prospect of “Zhongtian Creative Valley”. Then, accompanied by the company's leaders and staff, the Chang'an Town Government also visited the public art “Art Exhibition Center” of Lianfeng Creative Valley, and watched the exhibition of “Sisters and People's Walk” on display.

The delegation visited the Lianfeng Creative Valley Art Exhibition Center

Afterwards, the delegation of the Chang'an Town Government delegation also visited the creative brand enterprise Fengxing Brand Culture Media Co., Ltd. of Lianfeng Creative Valley Park, the highlights of the company such as Zhengchuang Software, and had in-depth exchanges with the person in charge of the company.

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The delegation visited CNNM of Lianfeng Creative Valley Park

The delegation visited Fengfeng Brand Culture Media Co., Ltd. in Lianfeng Creative Valley Park

Through the investigation of Lianfeng Creative Valley, the leaders of Chang'an Township gave a high evaluation of the construction results of Lianfeng Creative Valley Park, and believed that the future creative industry has broad prospects for development and the innovative industrial model and creativity of “Zhongtian Creative Valley”. The industrial development platform has been fully affirmed.

Our company believes that under the correct leadership of the government and the cooperation of relevant departments, we are confident that the park will be built better and can make more contributions to local economic construction.

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