Zhongtian Creative Valley financial service platform dry goods, "zhuaimao" dad appeared: unsecured financing 1 million

In 2011, at the beginning of the strategic goal of building a cultural city in Dongguan, Guangdong Zhongtian Group began the layout of the cultural and creative sector. In 2012, the Group officially established Guangdong Zhongtian Creative Industry Investment Co., Ltd., focusing on the development and operation of creative industries.

After many years of hard work, I successfully created the creative brand of “Zhongtian Creative Valley”. It has created Tianbao Creative Valley with the theme of film and television culture, Lianfeng Creative Valley with the theme of design and creativity, 769 Wenchuang Garden with the theme of creative business and creative office, and Dongguan with art, business and waterfront. A waterfront LOFT creative park - Workers and Farmers No. 8, and the forthcoming Zhongxu Square with the theme of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Based on the preservation of the original architectural features, Zhongtian Creative Valley has created a creative industrial park with the theme of the times and cultural creativity. It not only creates a high-quality office environment for the park enterprises in terms of hardware facilities, but also in the cultural atmosphere of the park. It also promotes the restructuring and cooperation of different industries and fields to achieve the integration of “cross-border” operations and resources.

For example, Zhongtian Creative Valley has been committed to creating “three major platforms + two bases + a large center”, namely, industrial public service platform, industrial financial service platform, public policy service platform, university students' innovation and entrepreneurship practice base, film and television culture creation base, Foreign trade transformation and upgrading support service center. Provide a full range of services for the park enterprises.

At the beginning of this year, Zhongtian Creative Valley and Dongguan Bank launched the “Lianfeng Creative Valley Park Enterprise Financial Service Plan”, which is a major upgrade of the industrial financial service platform launched by Zhongtian Creative Valley, designed to solve the business operations of the park. Aspects of financing issues. Now, the park enterprise has successfully applied for the unsecured financing loan of 1 million yuan, which is Dongguan Mancai Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Let’s listen to Liao Yuping, the founder of the company and the father of “The Cat”.

Mr. Liao Yuping said that in 2012, just entering the Lianfeng Creative Valley, the company is still in the incubation stage. The reason why Lianfeng Creative Valley was chosen is not only because the park provides a comfortable working environment, but also because the park has a special fund for cultural and creative enterprises. Supporting policies, such as the park sponsoring various large-scale events for corporate publicity, raising corporate visibility and helping enterprises to grow rapidly.

For example, this time, Zhongtian Creative Valley actively contacted the company and told that it could provide unsecured financing of 1 million yuan. This is very helpful for a start-up company, but it is just a try. Mentality, I did not expect to be approved so smoothly, although 1 million may not be a huge sum, but for the entrepreneurial team is precious, more importantly, solid service measures, so that the park enterprises see Zhongtian Creative Valley's intention and sincerity are more confident in the future.

It is understood that with the development of these years, the culture of Mancai has become more and more influential in Dongguan. Its main cartoon brand, the 拽Cat doll, has also been sold well on the Internet. In 2014, it passed the nationally recognized animation company.

Speaking of the company's future development, Mr. Liao Yuping said that in the future, the color culture will mainly develop with the "Internet +" model, use the Internet to drive the cultural and creative industries, and develop the brand's influence and popularity through the spread of the Internet. Including the channels for product sales, micro-stores through WeChat and mobile Internet, vigorously develop offline stores, and use the Internet to combine physical stores to sell products.

The details of the enterprise service plan can be consulted with the relevant staff of the Lianfeng Creative Valley office.

Since its inception, Zhongtian Creative Valley has been committed to creating a platform for cultural and creative enterprises to take off, and hopes that enterprises can get more resources to support and help on this platform to help the development of urban cultural and creative industries!