From 0 to 1 Zhang Yukai, Managing Director of Guangdong Zhongtian Group, talks about the secrets of Dongguan and creative industries
The Cultural and Creative Park has long been a new and rare thing. As early as more than a decade ago, Beijing came out of the 798 Art District. This art district, named after the factory built in the 1950s, was named one of the 22 most urban cultural centers in the world by the US magazine Time magazine in 2003. Today, from the north to the Guangzhou-Shenzhen, and then to the second and third-tier cities, the emergence of cultural and creative parks has sprung up, and it is accompanied by the status quo.
But many people still look forward to the creative park, and expect it to really plant flowers on the concrete floor. Many people also believe that creativity can make city life better, at least, not too monotonous.
Recently, Zhang Yukai, the director of Guangdong Zhongtian Group, was interviewed by the media to talk about his thoughts on the development of the creative industry. Let's take a look at the exciting content of the interview.

Zhang Yukai, Managing Director of Guangdong Zhongtian Group, interviewed by the media

Zhang San: Editor-in-Chief of the Media
Zhang Yukai: Managing Director of Guangdong Zhongtian Group
Creative industry has no ceiling
Zhang San: Mr. Zhang Yukai, I know that Zhongtian Group is mainly engaged in residential and commercial real estate in Dongguan, such as Jinyu Huafu, Songhu Center, Yinfeng Garden Hotel, etc. Later, it was involved in the cultural and creative industry and transformed Tianbao Creative Valley and Union. Feng Creative Valley, Gongnong 8 and other well-known cultural and creative industrial parks. How was it originally considered?
Zhang Yukai: Zhongtian Group is a traditional industry. However, if the traditional industry reaches a certain level, you will look a little further and naturally need to absorb the freshest blood of the times. Zhongtian has already considered the layout of cultural and creative industries in advance when the environment is not too bad. The core judgment is that I think that the "cultural industry" has no ceilings in development, which is rare in all industries.
Moreover, each city should have its own cultural business card, reflecting the character of the city and the customs of ordinary people. In the actual urbanization process, most people inevitably "blind people touch the image" and feel what it is, so someone must drive with the problem consciousness. I think this role is both a government and a business. I myself have long been interested in the development of urban public spaces, including the formulation and implementation of public art policies, and public art and business.
To tap the city culture, the source behind it must be creativity. As a company, what kind of container do we have, can we put these cultural ideas together and slowly hatch? I think the form of cultural and creative industry park is very promising.
It is said that the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government knew the earliest. Before the creative market, a number of guiding policies were introduced, and the banner clearly supported the development of the cultural industry. This actually released market information and enhanced our confidence in investment.

We understand creative talents like friends
Zhang San: From Tianbao Creative Valley to Gongnong 8th, several cultural and creative industrial parks in the city are all written by Zhongtian, so I talked about the topic of “Wen Chuangyuan in Dongguan”. Zhongtian must have a lot of words to say, I compare Want to know, where is the hardest hard bone from?
Zhang Yukai: The hard bones you said are the thorny problems we encountered. I think they can be summarized into three major problems.
One is its own problem. From scratch, it is difficult to do it, especially in the Wenchuang Garden. Regardless of cultural information, market resources or the degree of development of the industry, it should be like the Cantonese people licking the old fire soup. However, in the period of grassroots creation, in the face of a situation in which the cultural industry in Dongguan has not been fully exploited, our integration and operational capabilities are relatively weak.
The second is the market issue. It can be said that Dongguan is a city with distinctive characteristics. The economy is developed, but the white-collar workers are relatively scarce. The transportation is convenient but the city is highly dispersed. The location advantage is obvious, but the three high-end resources of the three first-tier cities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen have been diverted. Each of the 32 townships has local characteristics, and folk cultural talents are also scattered among them. Some of the creative talents I have discovered, Qingxi, Shilong, Changan also have... talents can be tapped, but information is not gathered, lack of market Atmosphere, Wenchuang Park may have no one to care about at the beginning, but I feel that I am not in a hurry. The entry barrier of Wenchuang Park must be kept, and we must look for a true cultural and creative team.
The third is the issue of sustainable development. There are two meanings to sustainability. One is whether the Wenchuang Park can be sustainable, and the other is whether the cultural and creative enterprises in the park can be sustainable. Because it is different from the traditional industry, the general sale and purchase is two-fold, one mess, but the creative industry is different, the creative industry can not buy out once, the cultural team should continue to grow, and the creative talents should be continuously improved, so that it is called a play.
Zhang San: I understand that the creative industry can apply Maslow's theory of human needs hierarchy, from survival and security needs, to social and respected needs, and finally to self-fulfilling needs.
Zhang Yukai: The needs of Wenchuang enterprises are indeed the same, from shallow to deep, from basic needs to value needs. For example, the most basic requirement for a creative team to enter your campus is that you have to mess with the water supply, license fees and taxes, so that it can open the door to normal operation.
For traditional property leasing, the work is finished, but it is not enough for Wen Chuang Yuan. The creative team also has similar social and respected needs as Maslow said. For example, they are eager to get support from the policy environment. They want to have the opportunity to participate in industry exhibitions. They want to use Dongguan as a link point to develop and walk out of Dongguan. All of these, the last ones are the self-fulfilling needs of cultural creators.
Zhang San: I feel that you have some affection for the creative industry. The taste of the commercial jungle law is weak, the meaning of understanding and care is strong, and the cultural sensibility of a businessman is seen.
Zhang Yukai: We are often touched by their unconventional and diligent creation. Many of their creative behaviors may be more easily understood in the north, and in small and medium cities. I think I can care for and understand their entrepreneurial situation like a friend.
Since last year, we have used actual actions to directly direct everyone, such as the establishment of a 2 million industrial support fund, endorsing the company with Zhongtian’s credit, giving them the opportunity to obtain unsecured loans from banks, and we have also established equity investments. The fund invests in optimistic projects and grows together.
Of course, the local government also strongly supports us. Once I consulted the industry and commerce department, what measures can be taken to facilitate the enterprises in the park to apply for relevant licenses, and the leaders of the industrial and commercial departments are very supportive, saying that these enterprises should be handled centrally, and they should avoid running home by family. queue.
The reason why I emphasize service so much is that the Wenchuang Garden, which is pretending to be a model, can't get out of the creative industry. Only the park that is really mobile and service-oriented can escort the creative team. In the process, Zhongtian has not taken the government. Dividing money, we are willing to take the income of traditional industries to support the city's cultural and creative industries.

Visible and invisible returns
Zhang San: Going back to business talks, how do you see the return of Wenchuang Garden?
Zhang Yukai: Regarding returns, I think the overall rental income of Dongguan is low. If it is only for rental income, it will not necessarily invest in Wenchuang Park for a group company.
I want to distinguish from everyone. The traditional factory rental is a purely leased business. Enterprises are renting, and I am waiting to collect rent. However, the rental of Wenchuang Park is not only a place, but also a variety of services and linkage resources. Such resources cover many aspects such as talents, platforms and funds. The threshold is much higher, so I think we talk about investment returns. It is not possible to calculate the amount of money per square per month.
At the same time, the creative industry returns not only to Zhongtian, but also our city. For accommodation, catering, living and office services, Wenchuang Park has driven many jobs around, which may be ten times more than traditional industries.
For example, the Lianfeng Industrial Park on Guantai Road in Nancheng City was originally leased to a foreign-invested company for processing trade. The pure leasing business is only a factory with an annual tax of less than 6 million yuan. Today, 114 companies are stationed here. It provides over 2,000 white-collar jobs and can generate tax revenues of 40 million yuan per year.
Coupled with the good government environment in Dongguan, the business environment for SMEs can be facilitated, and it is more conducive to the entrepreneurial business to promote the upgrade of the surrounding areas. Zhongtian is willing to grow together with these creative industries and share returns.
Creativity is the highlight of the future
Zhang San: Dongguan is now so many Wenchuang Park, what do you think?
Zhang Yukai: So many companies want to do it, which is related to the geography of Dongguan. There is no obvious cultural center in Dongguan. Each town has its own characteristics, folk culture is active, and there are many rivers and rivers. I used to study in Dongguan and found that the classmates have different accents and different living habits. For example, the Hakka culture of Fenggang has been kept quite well. Can it be extended to merge with a neighboring township into a Hakka cultural district?
On the other hand, it is also related to the industrial base of Dongguan. Dongguan used to be a world factory and a famous manufacturing city. But you should not look down on the manufacturing industry. You see that they have so many links in design, mold, production, exhibition, logistics, and an industrial chain. Every link has innovative articles to do. It is easy to understand this. Can Dongguan traditional industry and cultural and creative industries come to a "close contact"? For example, Humen clothing, Houjie furniture, I think these local traditional industries are in need of integration. Moreover, I observed that Wenchuang Resources in Guangzhou and Shenzhen also have a tendency to flow into Dongguan.
Zhang San: Some people also doubt that so many Wenchuang Park, Dongguan really need?
Zhang Yukai: In Dongguan, I am looking for a transformation and upgrading machine. The cultural and creative industries can join in. I think it is a good thing. So many people are doing it. I believe the government is happy to see it.
More and more people are doing, indicating that everyone has a consensus of the times. For example, every year I go to Hong Kong to visit the Art Basel exhibition. This art exhibition, together with art galleries around the world, exhibits the works of famous artists from all over the world, and constantly creates a platform suitable for new artists to display. It is the promoter of the global art market. In the past two years, I have encountered more and more Dongguan people and Dongguan enterprises in Basel to go to the exhibition to learn about the latest works of art, which was hard to imagine before.
So when we asked Dongguan to need so many cultural and creative parks, in fact, everyone insisted that the Dongguan people are thinking, but perhaps you don't understand, more and more in the hearts of the investors in Dongguan, creativity is the highlight of the future.
More and more people are doing it, which also proves that the creative market is developing. There is definitely a process of elimination in the market. We are currently seeing projects that are well done or not done well. It feels that Wenchuang Garden is a bit mixed, which is not the final result, and even the process of elimination has not yet begun.
Here, we sincerely hope that everyone will work together and not let the heroes of size and size work together to make the industry orderly and healthy. I also hope that everyone can have more opportunities to communicate and form a benign interactive atmosphere. Even I have imagined that one day, we can form a strong Dongguan Wenchuang brand, which can achieve brand output, and can go out and go to the whole country and even the whole country. The world, let more people know the history of Dongguan, Dongguan's present and future.

Most people want to go from 1 to N
A few people want to go from 0 to 1
Zhang San: What are the differences in the development of Wenchuang Park, which is currently being promoted by Zhongtianzhu?
Zhang Yukai: For example, "gongnong 8", we call it the second generation of Wenchuang Garden, it is not like a mall, there are many shops, many clear bars and restaurants, we have different ideas, this place may not be For whom to use it, different creative people have the opportunity to join. I hope that it will become a cultural sightseeing place in Dongguan. Friends from other places come to see the cultural and creative places in Dongguan. You will take him here.
For example, "769 Wenchuang Garden", this is a local city project that Vanke Group constantly organizes people to come to special study. Not long ago, Vanke President Yu Liang came to Dongguan to look at it. He didn't want to see anything in the 769 Wenchuang Garden. Sell, but look at this new type of ecology.
For example, the “Maker Center”, I describe it as a cross-border creative center that is closely related to culture and integrated into other industries. Like the previous development of a residential area in Humen North Gate, it is suggested that you may wish to dig out the history and culture of the North Gate, make some creative souvenirs, and give it to customers when the real estate is sold; the developer wants to design the community garden, it is suggested that if there are two species The tree can save two or three hundred thousand. It is worthwhile to use the money to ask the artist to make one or two sculptures embodying the Beizha culture in the community. It is not even more memorable. This is what I call cross-border, cultural creativity and integration into traditional industries.
Zhang San: I remember that I recently read a light reading about business thinking. The author is the founder of PayPal and the first external investor of Facebook, Peter Till. The title of the title is "From 0 to 1", most recently. On the US Amazon bestseller list.
He said that future progress can take two forms. The first is the level of progress, the experience of moving the achievements, directly from 1 to N, the level of progress is easy to imagine, because we already know what it is. Second, it is vertical progress, exploring new ways, from 0 to 1 progress, vertical progress is hard to imagine, people need to try to do things that have not been done.
For the idea of creativity, I think it is especially worth learning. How do you say that many people in the city who are doing creative business are "from 1 to N", type copying, imitation competition, and indeed a certain degree of lively market, a share of the pie. But at the same time, someone must work hard and try to do things from 0 to 1. You may find that creativity can be “monopoly” on the market.
It’s hard to be an expert
Then let's go out of an expert first.
Zhang San: Is there any sustenance, the cultural and creative industry in Dongguan, the cultural creation park in this city?
Zhang Yukai: Dongguan is a city with a lot of accumulation, or more straightforwardly, we can only accumulate thin hair, so we must have the determination to "shou".
I am full of confidence in the Dongguan cultural and creative industry. Everyone understands that it is very difficult to have an expert for a moment. It doesn't matter, then let's start with an expert.