Zhongtian build a new industrial materials industry ecosystem of innovative services help companies across the development
Activity background

Industrial co-construction: a headquarters base, a hub center
As one of the top ten emerging industries of China and one of the ten key areas of “Made in China 2025”, the new material is an important support and guarantee for the transformation and upgrading of Dongguan, which will help Dongguan to achieve a major transformation from “manufacturing” to “intellectual creation”.
Taking advantage of the development opportunities of the industry, the industry's mid-day layout of “one headquarters and one hub center” co-construction model, with the International Financial Innovation Park Huanan New Material Industry Base as the R&D, sales and operation headquarters of the enterprise; Beichen New Material Industrial Park as the enterprise The pilot and high-end production bases will create an industrial cluster with the new material industry chain as the core, from the research and development trial production to the manufacturing, sales display, inspection and testing, warehousing and logistics industry chain.
On May 19th, it was co-sponsored by the International Financial Innovation Park and Beichen New Material Industrial Park. The new materials were hosted online, Dongguan New Materials Industry Association, looking for materials, testing, and scientists' online cooperation in the development of new materials. The opening ceremony of the forum and the “New Materials Online Dongguan Sub-station” was held in the International Financial Innovation Park. Hundreds of industry big coffee and corporate representatives, representatives of venture capital institutions gathered together to talk about the industry!


"Double Garden Combination"

Building a new material industry ecosystem

At the beginning of the event, Huang Wanjun, deputy general manager of the industry, delivered a welcome speech and shared the development status of new materials in Dongguan and the experience of the operation of the new material industry base in South China.
He introduced that the International Financial Innovation Park established the “South China New Materials Industry Base” on August 18, 2016. After nearly one year of development, it has mastered a number of high-quality new materials industry resources and established well-known institutions in the field of new materials. In-depth cooperation with financial institutions has successfully attracted many new materials companies such as Yoshida Materials, and the agglomeration effect has been highlighted, and the influence of the industry has gradually expanded.
Huang Wanjun said that the two major parks of Zhongtian, the International Financial Innovation Park and the Beichen New Materials Industrial Park, have established a new material industry ecosystem, which will work together with new materials companies to achieve win-win development.

Xie Qiao, chief operating officer of International Finance Innovation Park, said that the International Financial Innovation Park is a national-level technology business incubator, China's top ten most worthy of the park, and the first industrial park in Dongguan with the theme of new materials. It will continue to improve capital and information. Supporting the support of technology and talents, and gradually forming a 100 billion-level new material industry cluster.
In addition, Beichen New Material Industrial Park is committed to creating high-end R&D and production carriers for enterprises, and has now launched exclusive customized services.


Experts and scholars collaborate on new kinetic energy for industrial development

In the forum sharing session, new materials companies, pioneers, research scholars, and university experts gathered to discuss development.
Dr. Zhao Wenfeng, CEO of Seri Research, published the topic entitled “Interpretation of 2017 New Material Industry Investment Prospects and “Internet + New Materials” Thinking”, in-depth analysis of Dongguan new material industry development status and material trends, and guiding investment direction for on-site enterprises. And seek common development strategies. He believes that the implementation of the "Internet +" new materials initiative has three major development significance, mainly to improve the design and manufacturing efficiency of new materials, reduce operating costs; innovative R & D design, manufacturing, sales and sales models; establish a number of databases for the development of new materials design Data support is provided for production testing and the like

Subsequently, Sun Rong, deputy director of the Institute of Integration of Shenzhen Advanced Technology Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Advanced Materials Research Center, shared the theme of "Advanced Electronic Packaging Materials Research and Application". She believes that with the release of a number of favorable policies such as the National Integrated Circuit Industry Development Promotion Program, new materials have ushered in the greatest development opportunities since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and electronic materials are one of the key directions for the development of national local science and technology strategies. Estimate.

Shenzhen City, the co-founder and CEO of Network Technology Co., Ltd. Zheng Daoyong brought a special introduction to the "Measurement of professional inspection and testing institutions." Zheng Daoyong explained that “measured” is a one-stop full-process service platform, and the test service categories cover: component analysis, structural analysis, and topographic analysis. “Using the ‘measured’ platform can solve the testing needs of new materials from technology research and development to product conversion in a convenient, efficient and low-cost manner, providing enterprises with new testing options, saving enterprises money and worry.”

The event also invited the industry's authoritative expert Tsinghua University professor and Zhongtian Group senior consultant Dai Yuyuan to share his analysis of the prospects of the new materials industry.
Dai Yuyuan said that leveraging development and innovation drive is like two sides of the coin, which is the two wheels for the new material industry to move forward. New materials enterprises must grasp the policy of the east, innovate technology, and win the opportunity to develop healthily.

“New Materials Online Dongguan Sub-station” settled in Financial Park

Perfect information resources

“New Materials Online Dongguan Sub-station” Settled in the Financial Park, it is another important measure for the new material industry base to provide comprehensive industrial chain services for the park enterprises.
In the future, this sub-station will provide one-stop information, consulting, investment and financing, talent, corporate guidance and supply chain management services for the new materials enterprises in the park, further triggering the driving role of information on the growth of enterprises, and the rapid development of new materials enterprises. The development provides efficient and comprehensive solutions to help the park enterprises achieve leapfrog development.

Industry leader joins industry base expert resource library

Perfect expert resources

Changhong Intelligent Manufacturing General Manager of South China Branch Wan Hu, Qi Fu Capital Investment Director Chen Suli, Seri Research CEO Dr. Zhao Wenfeng and Shenzhen City Network Technology Co., Ltd. co-founder and CEO Zheng Daoyong joined the industry platform expert resource library, project expert think tank It is gradually growing.

The park introduced the "tested" professional inspection and testing institutions

Perfect technical resources

The International Financial Innovation Park signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the “tested” professional inspection and testing organization.
The introduction of the “Measured” organization is an important part of the improvement of the resources of the new material industry base, and is an important embodiment of the park from understanding the enterprise to doing business for the enterprise.

Industrial Finance Big Data Center escorts "Shuangyuan"

Perfect financial resources

Industry Zhongtian Financial Service is the core of the operation services of the park. At present, it has successfully built a financial big data service center to provide professional and customized full-chain financial data services for the park enterprises.
In order to promote the development of the “Shuangyuan” new materials industry, the center will work together with professional financial institutions to build a compound financing service system for the new materials industry. Through capital-driven enterprise innovation and development, the project will find projects for funds and match the funds. At the same time, with the help of "Internet +" means, providing big data products such as industrial intelligence and marketing intelligence, and providing reference for major material enterprises in product development, market development and other major business decisions.
The park will also use innovative financial means to enter the park. Providing financial services for enterprises outside the park and investing in high-quality enterprises outside the park to establish a closer cooperative relationship to attract more outstanding enterprises to settle in, further improve the upstream and downstream industry chain, and achieve synergy and win-win.

Industry Zhongtian boosts the development of new materials industry

As the first industrial park in Dongguan to develop new materials, the event was held to integrate resources, build a service platform for the park, provide more intimate and convenient services for the enterprises, and provide a more open communication space for the industry.
At the same time, we also expect to accelerate the development opportunities of the industry and accelerate the development of various new materials technologies in Dongguan and surrounding cities under the vigorous promotion of “Shuangyuan Combination” resources in the industry's five major service systems, the International Financial Innovation Park and the Beichen New Materials Industrial Park. Landing and industrialization have helped new materials companies achieve leap-forward growth and successfully move from “manufacturing” to “intellectual creation”.