Heavy! Shenzhen will jointly Guangzhou, Dongguan to build a super one hundred kilometers, "scientific and technological innovation corridor"!
On the morning of May 22, in the report of the provincial party congress made by Comrade Hu Chunhua, the Shenzhen element was frequently mentioned and the Shenzhen was mentioned eight times. It involved deepening the supply-side structural reform, implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, and building an open economic new system. field. One of them: improving the regional collaborative innovation system and mechanism, and creating the Suiguan-Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, which aroused the concern of Shenzhen Dream.

Then, on the afternoon of May 27th, Wang Weizhong, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (expansion): “Building a “Guangshen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor” to accelerate the creation of a more globally competitive and influential “ The capital of innovation."

Based on this, we have reason to judge that Shenzhen will join forces with Guangzhou and Dongguan to work together to do a big deal! Create a “100-km “Innovation Corridor”! This major event will inevitably become an important part of the construction of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.

Dongguan is also very active about this technological innovation corridor. It is reported that the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” of Dongguan revealed that it will build a South China Science and Technology Industry Innovation Center and take the Songshan Lake area as the core to plan the “innovation axis” that connects the Songshan Lake and the ecological park vertically, forming a deep and deep trajectory across the Pearl River Delta. The “innovation corridor” of the shore.

At the same time, we also see that the relevant planning concept design is also in progress:
Huang Feimei, planner of the Shenzhen Branch of China Urban Planning and Design Institute, Qiu Kaifu, published an article on the construction of the "Sui-Wang-Deep-China" technology innovation corridor.

Figure 1 Spatial distance between the main bay area of the San Francisco Bay Area and the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Bay Areas

In the article, it is pointed out that according to the development plan of each node and its development basis, this study proposes to create a national-level “Sui-Wang-Deep-Medium” innovation corridor. At present, each node of this technology innovation system has spatial planning. Corresponding to positioning and guidance, but also there is some complementarity. among them:

1) Shenzhen Qianhai takes advantage of the free trade zone and financial innovation zone, focusing on the development of corporate finance, information services, shipping and logistics services.

2) Shenzhen Dakong Port and Dongguan Chang'an New District mainly rely on the solid manufacturing base of the two places. The focus is on developing the network economy innovation center, high-tech enterprise cultivation base and relying on the advantageous position of Shenzhen, especially Shenzhen, in the Internet economy. Innovation in cultural creativity and international cooperation and exchange.

3) Nansha New District focuses on the development of innovative industrial bases such as financial innovation, integration of production, education and research, and advanced manufacturing.

4) Zhongshan Cuiheng New District focuses on cultural inheritance, ecological civilization and tourism and leisure, as well as vocational and technical education, and promoting the industrial upgrading of the West Bank.

In addition, "From the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Circle to the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Corridor" (to the east), the article points out that the cultural traditions of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta have laid a solid cultural foundation for the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Circle to move to the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Corridor. .
Between Guangzhou-Dongguan-Shenzhen-Hong Kong, along the Guangzhou-Shenzhen and Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway, it has become the main artery for the development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The soon-to-be-established Guangzhou-Chongqing-Deep Intercity will strengthen this development axis and provide new impetus for industrial transformation and upgrading along the route. At both ends of this axis, two of the country's three major technological regions are held: Nanshan District in Shenzhen and Tianhe District in Guangzhou. These two districts are also the two regions with the strongest innovation and high-tech strength. On both sides of the Jianshen-Deep Intercity Interchange, the two international hub airports, Guangzhou Baiyun and Shenzhen Baoan, are connected respectively. This is an excellent development location for the areas along the route.
The shaping of the innovation corridor:
There are still big problems along the line:
1. Landscape and environment along the route. The provincial leaders recently instructed to carry out environmental remediation along the Guangzhou-Shenzhen traffic and improve the landscape along the route. Guangzhou is about to hold a Fortune 500 conference at the end of the year. Every year, the Canton Fair merchants are also running along the Guangzhou-Shenzhen line. This is very important for the overall image of Dawan District.
2, passengers and goods mixed. On the east bank of the Pearl River, Huangpu Old Port, Xingang, Xinsha Port, Dongguan Port (Humen) and Shenzhen West Port Area are distributed. The Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway often has congestion, and a large proportion of it is freight vehicles.
3. Environmental pollution. In the Chang'an Xinmin community, where the electroplating enterprises are intensive, there are 500,000 tons of dangerous chemicals in Humen Lisha Island. The environment on the east coast of the Bay Area is far from the livable, and there are obvious differences between the ends of the deep axis of the Pan and Guanzhong. The middle zone of the east coast is still in a period of industrialization, but the construction of cities such as Dongguan City and Songshan Lake has been relatively complete.
Richard Florida, director of the Martin Prosperity Institute and professor of business and creativity at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management, published a classic book, The Rise of the Creative Class, in 2004, proposing the emergence of a new creative class. This social class is characterized by the ability to provide innovation/creative and has its own values and lifestyle. For them, walkable neighborhoods and vibrant city centres are attractive.

Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District will have to reach a new level, and the industry must continue to transform and upgrade, attracting the concentration of high-end industries in the value chain.

Above East Coast Corridor: Past Development Model: Corridor Belt Interwoven with Post-industrialization and Industrialization

Today, Shenzhen Dream especially recommends the article of Southern Network Southern Observation to explain what this “Guangshen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor” means?

Pearl River Delta Observation | What is the road to US Highway 128? Guangzhou and Shenzhen should join hands to do a big deal!

Source: South China city of think tank: Zheng Jiaxin studio
[Planning] Xiaohei Xixi [author] Zheng Jiaxin Zhang Suhuan Zhu Ziqiang [Proofreading] Huang buy ice

"Guangdong will learn from the experience of the US No. 128 highway innovation corridor, integrate innovation resources along the line along the Guangzhou-Shenzhen line, and create a scientific and technological innovation corridor to provide strong support for the province's innovation and development. It is necessary to radiate the surrounding areas to accelerate development and further improve the counterparts. Support mechanisms to promote closer cooperation between regional economies."

This latest information from the 12th Party Congress of the province has a huge amount of information. This may indicate a "surgery" on the economic map of Guangdong - open the blood vessels, let the elements of innovation run and move.

Guangzhou and Shenzhen, two first-tier cities that are more than 100 kilometers apart, have been intriguing each other. Now, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have to go from regional competition to deep cooperation, and join hands to do such a big event - refer to the US No. 128 road innovation corridor to create an innovation corridor along the Guangzhou-Shenzhen line.

How many cattle in the US 128 road innovation corridor? What does it mean for Guangzhou and Shenzhen to jointly create such an innovative corridor? Will the pattern of the first-tier cities in Guangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen change?

What is the road to US Highway 128?

What kind of road is US Highway 128? Today, observe Jun to take you to see.

Everything has to start from after World War II. At that time, there was no Silicon Valley in the United States. A large area in the west such as Los Angeles and San Francisco was still a remote area. In the eastern United States, the stars shine, and everything is due to "Route 128."

This 108-kilometer expressway detours around the outer edge of Boston. On both sides of the road, there are companies and factories of electronics, aerospace, defense, bioengineering, etc., which have developed into the same name as Silicon Valley, the US microelectronics technology center, known as the "Technology Highway of the United States."

Both are now the vane of global innovation and entrepreneurship, exploring the secret of its success, "intelligence support" is the most important pole.

Silicon Valley is home to Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley, while Highway 128 includes 65 colleges and universities, including Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It provides a large number of high-level scientists and engineers to the Boston High Tech Industrial Zone. Senior technical staff.

Guangdong innovation, why not Silicon Valley, but Highway 128?

In addition to the high-tech research institutions, the success of the 128th highway, the power of the government and the market can not be ignored. This is also its path support different from Silicon Valley.

At that time, the company on Highway 128 had a large number of patented electronic tubes and monopolized the “US military” and “civil communication market”. The Motorola headquarters, which is extremely beautiful, was born here.

Moreover, Highway No. 128 is adjacent to the financial center of New York, and the atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship is strong. The university, venture capital cooperative R&D and founding companies have formed a complete ecological circle, attracting many talents and venture capital, bio-industry and other knowledge-intensive industrial clusters. This is produced.

The government and market forces laid the foundation for science and technology, coupled with the intellectual support of high-tech research institutions and the boost of financial capital, several forces intertwined to achieve the glory of Highway 128.

New York Financial Center

Looking at Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the location in the east is close to the “128 Highway”.

Both cities also have their own advantages.

In terms of finance, both places are closely arranged. Compared with Shenzhen, the biggest advantage of Guangzhou is that it is “learning” and “researching”. The number of colleges and universities is higher than that of Shenzhen. Shenzhen is highly market-oriented and attractive to talent gathering. Its innovation is more oriented to the enterprise and market-oriented, but the short-board lies in the high-tech research.

What does the combination of Guangshen and Innovation mean?

The two first-tier cities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen, so closely linked to a highly connected and flowing urban cluster, have been standing in the spotlight.

In 2016, Guangzhou's economy maintained rapid growth. The city's GDP (GDP) reached 1,961.094 billion yuan, an increase of 8.2% year-on-year.

In 2016, the total production value of Shenzhen City was 1949.26 billion yuan, calculated at comparable prices, an increase of 9.0% over the previous year (the same below), and the growth rate was higher than that of the national and provincial provinces by 2.3 and 1.5 percentage points respectively.

North China Guangshen 2016 GDP data comparison. (Source: City Statistics Bureau)

It can be seen that among the four first-tier cities, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have strong growth momentum and maintain a catch-up situation in Shanghai and Beijing.

In the past, we talked more about the contest between Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The topic that has been speculated to be the most is that Shenzhen has surpassed Guangzhou to change the pattern of first-tier cities.

Now, the combination of the fierce development of the Guangzhou and Shenzhen innovations can be said to be an unprecedented intellectual docking.

Guangzhou is the “innovative brain” of Guangdong. In Guangzhou, Zhongxin Knowledge City, Guangzhou Science City, Pazhou Internet Innovation Cluster, Guangzhou University City and International Innovation City, Nansha Free Trade Zone and other innovative “Big Dipper” carry the most “strongest brain” in the province. There are 79 institutions of higher learning, with 7 national key laboratories and 233 provincial and ministerial key laboratories, bringing together more than 70% of the scientific and technical personnel and 95% of doctors in Guangdong Province.

Shenzhen has just ushered in the official settlement of ARM (China). Shenzhen is called the “Pearl of the Crown” by the Economist magazine for world innovation and invention. Statistics from the International Intellectual Property organization (WIPO) PCT Patent Database show that as of the end of 2016, Shenzhen had accumulated 69,347 PCT patents. Ranked second in the world of active global innovation activities, only behind Tokyo, but leading the Silicon Valley of the United States.

One is the “innovative brain” gathered by universities and research institutes, and the other is the “innovation engine” of high-tech enterprises. The innovations of Guangzhou and Shenzhen have joined forces and there is no doubt that they are highly complementary.

More imaginative is that the joint efforts of the two first-tier cities in Guangzhou and Shenzhen are not just 1+1.

Guangzhou is surrounded by the manufacturing city of Foshan, and Shenzhen is surrounded by Dongguan, which is known as the “world factory” and Huizhou, which is accelerating and running fast.

It can be said that the joint efforts of Guangzhou and Shenzhen are the innovative connections between the two super cities, and may even become a strong innovation backbone in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.

Guangshen teamed up, how can this big chess go?

WeChat, which we all use every day, is headquartered in Guangzhou. But Tencent headquarters is also in Shenzhen.

Every day, in the Guangzhou TIT Creative Industry Park where WeChat headquarters is located, there will be bus stops originating in Shenzhen. The passengers in the car have a WeChat executive in Shenzhen, working in Guangzhou, and a product manager from Shenzhen.

The reason why WeChat was born in Guangzhou is that it provides Guangzhou with a software development and information technology service industry with leading technology maturity and industry scale.

A company that has a deep and deep presence has more kinetic energy. More and more Internet companies are developing across the city like Tencent.

WeChat's Guangshen Twin Cities Record provides a model for us to create a science and technology innovation corridor.

It is worth mentioning, as well as Foxconn.

Shenzhen Longhua Science and Technology Park can be said to be Foxconn's home base. It has an amazing nearly 300,000 young people on this land of less than 2.3 square kilometers.

At the beginning of this year, Foxconn invested a total of 61 billion yuan of 10.5 generation 8K display full ecological industrial park in Zengcheng, Guangzhou. This is currently the most advanced display project in the world, with an annual output value of 100 billion yuan.

From Shenzhen to Guangzhou, what does the CEO of Foxconn Technology Group think about?

He said that from the past Shenzhen, Foshan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai to the present Guangzhou, in the past 30 years, along the Pearl River Delta ring road, step by step to increase investment in the real economy, is to hope that the Pearl River Delta ring can be like the Silicon Valley 280 high-speed Highways have also become a high-speed loop that links information technology.

Through the story of WeChat and Foxconn's twin cities, we can imagine that in the future, integrating innovation resources and creating a technological innovation corridor with the center of Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the main axis, behind it is actually an open intellectual sharing network, building an innovation-intensive band.

In this, three key forces will play a decisive role.

The first is the power of the government. The tangible hand of the government, through planning and policy guidance, promotes the integration of innovation elements along the Guangzhou-Shenzhen line.

The second is the power of the market. This is something that Guangzhou, Shenzhen, two highly market-developed cities are good at, making enterprises a liaison and catalyst for innovation networks. WeChat and Foxconn have already keenly captured the future.

The third is the power of colleges and universities. This is an innovative fast lane that Guangshen's innovation team needs to get through. According to the statistics of colleges and universities published by the Ministry of Education, the top three universities in 2015 were Beijing, Guangzhou and Wuhan. Shenzhen is accelerating the construction of first-class universities. According to the plan, by 2025, there will be about 20 colleges and universities in Shenzhen, and about 200,000 full-time students. How the scientific research strengths of universities in Guangzhou and Shenzhen have been mobilized to provide more support for the development of the innovation corridor is a proposition that needs to be responded to.

In the book Smart Transformation: The Economic Miracle from the Rust Belt to the Wisdom Belt, the author proposes to “wake up the sleeping beauty” and make the region the smartest place in the world. This requires a visionary and responsible liaison to bring institutions, governments, and businesses together to make a big difference.

The combination of innovations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen is a new exploration for a miracle.

Observation in the South: From Tianhe to Songshan Lake to Nanshan,

How many innovative cattle companies are there in this corridor?

Source: Southern News Client Editor: Li Yumin

From Guangzhou Tianhe, passing through Songshan Lake in Dongguan to Shenzhen Nanshan, about 100 kilometers. From the latest night view of Google, it is the most embarrassing area of the Pearl River Delta. A bunch of lights, not just the lights, but also behind