In recent years, under the series of macro-control policies such as purchase restriction, price limit, credit tightening, and property tax, the trend of the real estate market's short-term crazy rise has been curbed. In the long run, the increasingly fierce market competition environment, hot money flooded into the property market, the real estate bubble bursts with signs of crisis, real estate companies accelerate transformation and upgrading, innovative development model, and develop business areas to become the driving force for sustainable development of enterprises. How can enterprises meet new challenges and create new situations in a new situation?

Long before this, the board of directors of the group took precautions. After two years, the company's senior executives organized on-the-spot investigations and repeated demonstrations on professional industrial parks at home and abroad, combined with the advantages of Dongguan's local market and the strategic needs of the Group's development of innovative projects. Resources are dedicated to exploring an industrial development model combining capital operation with professional real estate. On September 5, 2011, Guangdong Zhongtian Wancheng Project Management Consulting Co., Ltd. was formally established. Zhang Yukai, the president of the group, personally became the president of the company. He has a group of senior management teams with expertise in various fields. Among them, Ma Jianhuai served as a director, Zhang Lei and Cha Xiuping as vice presidents, Zheng Tongen and Li Linlin as assistant presidents, and Xiang Yufei as engineering director. The company's business scope involves a combination of professional development of professional industrial parks, simultaneous acquisition, mergers, and venture capital quality projects.

Guangdong Zhongtian Wancheng Project Management Consulting Co., Ltd. has set up strategic development center, engineering management center, cost management center, planning and design center, marketing center, development affairs center, financial center, administrative personnel center and Zhongwan business department according to the functional division of labor. At the core of the nine major departments, the projects currently under management include the International Financial Innovation Park, the Guangdong-Hong Kong Financial Services Outsourcing Base, the Nancheng Cyberport, the Zhonghui World Bank, the Venture Capital Building Project, and the Jinyu Washington with the cooperation of Zhongtian Vanke. Four projects, such as Jinyu Songhu, Songhu Center and Langrun Park, will continue to expand innovative professional real estate projects with the company's continuous development.

The innovative real estate project operated by Zhongtian Wancheng Company will become another core strength of the Group's strategic development in the future. The company will unswervingly implement the development strategy of “Enterprise Management Modernization + Industrial Modernization + Capital Operation Modernization” and strive to be in the future. - Within 5 years, we will strive to build a strong brand image with cohesiveness, creativity and influence in the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions.

Profile of the main management members of Zhongtian Wancheng:

1. Vice President, Zhang Lei, male, Department of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Bachelor of Engineering, Tsinghua University MBA, Senior Engineer, First Class Project Manager, First Class Construction Engineer, National Registered Supervising Engineer, many years of experience in real estate industry executives, Has worked on projects abroad.

2. Vice President, Cha Xiuping, graduated from the Department of Architecture of Wuhan University of Technology, obtained a master's degree in architecture from the South China University of Technology, and studied at the President of Tsinghua University. Land appraisers, cost engineers, senior engineers, first-class builders, national real estate agents, 3 years of design experience in the design institute, more than 15 years of real estate work experience.

3. Engineering Director, Xiang Yufei, male, Chongqing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, graduated from undergraduate, national first-level registered structural engineer, registered consulting (investment) engineer, registered supervision engineer. Has extensive experience in engineering management.

4. Assistant to the President, Zheng Tongen, male, majoring in international trade, Department of Economics, Guangdong University of Business, graduated with bachelor's degree, has many years of work experience in government and legal affairs, joined Zhongtian Group in 2002, and served as group and middle school. Tianlitong and Zhongtian Industrial Legal Counsel.

5. Assistant to the President, Li Linlin, male, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Master of Economics, in Zhongtian Group, responsible for the overall management of the cooperation projects with Vanke, with major issues in dealing with cooperative development, cooperation project finance, cost, engineering and other aspects. experience.