Joint office from the perspective of industrial real estate developers
In 2015, it was called the first year of the joint office. At one time, the market was like a raging wind. The joint office jumped from a foreign emerging business to a sunrise industry in which various parties rushed to enter. The various joint offices opened up a competition mode of competition. In 2016, it was called In the standard year of joint office, some industry access standards began to play a role, and the industry's supervision and access mechanisms were implemented. In 2017, it was interpreted by the industry as a key year for joint office development. The market rules for survival of the fittest worked, and the joint office ushered in intensive cultivation. The new era.

In just three years, the joint office industry has experienced three different stages of development. The industry's profit model for joint office has been mixed, and the judgment on the future of joint office is even more different. It is against this background that Dongguan is the first An industrial real estate operator - the industry Zhongtianli joint office area, combined with Shenzhen Siwei actively deployed joint office space.
What prompted the industry to make this decision? What are the associated effects of this layout? In this regard, Huang Wanjun, deputy general manager of the industry, said that the layout of the joint office is the result of deliberation, and is the objective need of the industry to improve the industrial park industry chain.

Huang Wanjun, deputy general manager of the industry

Double Innovation Catalyst, Industrial Innovation City
The emergence or introduction of each new type of business originates from the urgent needs of the market. This kind of demand is only good at discovering. Enterprises that are good at grasping opportunities can capture in time, so as to cut into new business forms at the right time and become the vane to lead the development of the industry.
The joint office and industrial park are both industrial clusters of strategic emerging industries, and also provide dream incubation platforms, resources and one-stop operation services for the creative and creative partners. The two not only have similar backgrounds: popular innovation, the entrepreneurial upsurge of entrepreneurship; the new normal, the result of policy guidance in the context of the new economy; market regulation, the traditional real estate profit margins are severely squeezed, and they have turned to industrial parks and joint offices. It has similar objectives: industrial concentration, improvement of the upstream and downstream of the regional industrial chain; industrial innovation, transformation and upgrading of leading industries; enterprise listing, full life cycle to help enterprises grow.
Collaborate for different reasons and create a win-win situation
From the perspective of form and service scope, the industrial park is more like a “big and complete” industrial complex. The types of enterprises that are stationed are diversified, the types of industrial formats are numerous, the industrial chain is relatively perfect, and the platform services are wide.
The joint office is more like a "small and beautiful" dream incubation place. The objects of the joint office are mostly makers, freelancers and small and medium-sized enterprises. The social function is more prominent and the circle is more aware. Pay more attention to the depth of service and prefer to operate in a refined manner. The opportunity to develop cooperation due to different reasons, due to market opportunities to lay the foundation for cooperation, the dual operation mode of industrial park + joint office will be a new idea of complementary advantages and win-win cooperation in the field of industrial real estate.
Taking advantage of the situation, moving from time to time
Since the industry entered the industrial real estate in 2010, it has experienced 7 years of development and achieved the industrial development pattern of 3 cities and 12 parks, including one national incubator, two provincial incubators, five municipal incubators, and more than 1,000 enterprises. It has created an output value of more than 100 billion yuan and introduced more than 20,000 technical talents.

Industry Zhongtian Park Matrix

Industrial Zhongtian strategic development layout

Industry in the sky, urban upgrade service providers - For many years, the industry Zhongtian has been to help the industry upgrade, improve the city's supporting services upgrade, and preserve the essence of urban culture as the three major goals.

Therefore, Huang Wanjun emphasized that the reason why the industry has entered the joint office has three major driving forces: First, the policy guidance and support are continuously enhanced, and the enthusiasm for both creations is high; the entrepreneurial craze triggered by mass innovation and entrepreneurship is enduring, the government is The intensity of policy guidance and support has continued to strengthen. Second, the development of joint office has entered the reshuffle period, and the development tends to be rational; the turmoil of the industry outbreak has passed, and the development model has become increasingly clear. It is more reasonable to enter the joint office market at this time. Third, the vigorous development of the tertiary industry and emerging industries has spawned new demands; in the context of sharing the economy, enterprises have built social circles, and the “Internet+”-promoted individual services have led to an increase in freelancers, and the need for enterprises to expand their businesses and work in different places has become more demanding. urgent.

The opportunity for joint office under the sharing economy is obvious
Innovative mutation in the industry's pursuit of service model
1) Introduce industry incubation services: import platforms and think tank resources to promote the upgrade of joint office services. The industry has built five service platforms, including investment and financing, technology, talents, production, research and research, and government affairs, to provide high-end, personalized and customized services for enterprises at different stages of development.

Among them, we gathered authoritative experts to establish industry think tanks, provide industry development think tank support, in addition to practice the "financial +" strategy, focusing on industrial financial big data centers and enterprise listing and breeding bases as two major tools to help enterprises take off.
2) Extend the joint office service customer base: Optimize the joint office customer group, and absorb the enterprises from different stages of growth, such as makers, small and medium-sized enterprises, and large enterprises.
3) Innovative operation mechanism: Introduce flexible and chained service-oriented office management concepts, quickly spread the business layout and seize the market.
4) Diversification of profit model: On the basis of the existing work rent, innovative introduction of industrial funds, combined with industrial capital and financial capital, to achieve industrial investment profit; innovation value-added services, the introduction of service-oriented office concepts, deepen the community circle additional value.

At present, the industry's mid-day layout Shenzhen business window - Zhongjing·Financial Innovation Center has carried out the first close cooperation with Shenzhen's joint office benchmarking company, Siwei SimplyWork. In the future, Siwei 8.0 will rely on the Zhongjing·Financial Innovation Center to operate.
Taking this as a starting point, the industry will join hands with Siwei to combine the superior resources of both parties, deepen cooperation and create a win-win future, let us look forward to it together!