Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau and Dawan District are boiling in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Guangzhou and Foshan.
Guided by the central “One Belt and One Road” strategic deployment, with the cooperation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao as the driving force, based on the broad area of the Pan-Pearl River Delta, following the law of economic development of the world-class Bay Area, adhering to the principles of open leadership, innovation-driven, ecological priority, and rule of law, and continuously strengthen Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dawan District's resource allocation function, agglomeration spillover function, international open function, interconnection and interoperability function, the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District will be built into a demonstration area for further opening up to the outside world, and the leading area of the southeast coastal urban agglomeration will participate in the area. All the way to promote the development of the world economy, the new highland of the world's Bay Area economy.

Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Bay Area refers to the urban agglomeration formed by Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhaoqing, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Huizhou, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, and Hong Kong and Macao.

The Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Bay Areas are to be written into the national government work report and enter the planning state. According to the progress, the research results will be reported to the central government in September this year.

The following is an exclusive interview with Nandu, the deputy head of the research group of the urban agglomeration development planning of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and the Minister of Industry of the National Center of Science and Technology. Wang Fuqiang, the research results of the research group:

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily

Wang Fuqiang, deputy head of the research group of the urban agglomeration development planning of the Dawan District of Guangdong, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and the Minister of Industry of the China International Economic Exchange Center. On May 3, Wang Fuqiang made a report to the Governor of Guangdong Province, Ma Xingrui, at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau-Dawan District Urban Group Development Planning Research Report.

On May 3, Wang Fuqiang made a report to the Governor of Guangdong Province, Ma Xingrui, at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau-Dawan District Urban Group Development Planning Research Report. As the deputy head of the research group and the director of the Industry Department of the China International Economic Exchange Center (abbreviated as “National Economic Center”), Wang Fuqiang proposed in the report that the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District Work Leading Group was set up at the central level.

At present, Guangdong Province has formed a preliminary draft of the planning text based on the research report of the research group, and solicits opinions from Hong Kong and Macao. According to the progress, it will be reported to the central government in September this year.

Recently, in response to a number of hot issues in the urban agglomeration planning of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, the Southern Metropolis reporter interviewed Wang Fuqiang, a core participant in planning research.

Innovative economic characteristics of cities such as Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Nandu: Your center signed an agreement with the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission last year to start the development of the “Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District Economic Development Planning Study”. What is the difference between the current “Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District Urban Agglomeration Development Planning Study”?

Wang Fuqiang: Actually it is still a thing. The Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dawan District urban agglomerations are the only real bases and development potentials in China. They can compete against the international Bay Area and create a world-class city group like the Great Lakes, London and Tokyo. Don't look down on the future of this urban agglomeration. Because if it is placed under the framework of the domestic urban agglomeration, it is the urban agglomeration of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao; if it is against the international first-class Bay Area, it is the scale of the world-class urban agglomeration. Therefore, this should be promoted from the perspective of the cooperation and development of the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, rather than the construction of the urban agglomeration of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.

Nandu: To benchmark the world's first-class Bay Area and build a world-class city group, why choose Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau?

Wang Fuqiang: The typical development of the Bay Area includes four stages: port economy-industrial economy-service economy-innovative economy. The Tokyo, New York and San Francisco Bay Areas are basically in the transition from a service economy to an innovative economy. In China, apart from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, the Bay Area, which has a physical basis, has a relatively low level of development and is still in the first phase of the port economy. Engage in entrepot trade, and even have no international routes, obviously do not have the most basic conditions for building a world-class Bay Area. There are also differences within the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The manufacturing industry in the Pearl River Delta is relatively developed and is in the process of transforming the industrial economy into a service economy. In some cities such as Hong Kong and Shenzhen, innovative economic characteristics have emerged.

Compared with the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the Greater Bay Area has a higher urbanization rate. It is also a frontier of reform and opening up in history and has an open tradition. At the same time, it has the institutional advantages of one country and two systems. Under this large pattern, we seek institutional innovation and formulate some new rules. We will take the lead in trials in the Greater Bay Area and then promote them globally, affecting the formulation of international rules.

The stages of economic development in the Bay Area are not achieved overnight. The development of the Bay Area's economy also has a hierarchy. It has not accumulated through the industry, and there is no quantitative change. It certainly cannot. If you say that you want to be a Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dawan District three years ago, it is still immature, the industry has not accumulated, the market has not been cultivated, and there is no convenient transportation system and broad hinterland support.

Our research report suggests that Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Fujian should join forces to promote integrated development. At present, the country's three regional development strategies, the “Belt and Road”, the total development, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development in the north, the Yangtze River Economic Belt in the middle, but South China lacks a regional strategy. There are five provinces in the Pan-Pearl River area in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. After deducting these five provinces, there are no provinces with no national-level strategic coverage.

Proposed establishment of the Dawan District Work Leading Group

Nandu: The central government proposed to plan the construction of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District, how to further rationalize or enhance the regional cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao? For example, the coordinating body such as the Guangdong-Hong Kong Co-operation Joint Conference will have an upgraded version in the future?

Wang Fuqiang: Of course, a specific communication and coordination mechanism will be established. We propose to set up a work leading group from the central level, led by the head of the State Council, the relevant state ministries and commissions, and the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao parties to coordinate research and solve major problems in the cooperation and development of the Greater Bay Area. At the provincial and municipal levels, a fixed contact mechanism should also be established, and the heads of the three regions and the heads of relevant departments should participate.

We also propose to establish a Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Dawan District Development and Investment Group Corporation. Hong Kong and Macao actually have a lot of capital and don't know how to spend it. With reference to the Three Gorges development model, the central and three governments provide guidance funds, coupled with social capital and overseas capital participation, use PPP to form an investment and development company, undertake infrastructure and industrial park construction, and even join forces to “One Belt and One Road”. "Investment along the country."

Finally, it is recommended to support the “Guangdong, Guangxi, Qionghai Marine Economic Zone” (including Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan) to rise to the national strategy in due course.

Planning is not a division of labor for each city.

Nandu: How to coordinate the relationship between the “9+2” cities in Dawan District in the future? More emphasis on competition or cooperation?

Wang Fuqiang: I believe that there is still a competitive relationship. Different cities must form a differentiated match. We must achieve win-win development and cooperative development. We do not plan for the division of labor in each city. They can be instructed to clarify their own positioning, but they cannot limit what they do. Foshan and Dongguan are very strong in manufacturing. Their mission is to transform and upgrade the manufacturing industry and develop service industries that support manufacturing. Jiangmen, Huizhou and Zhongshan are faced with the problem of how to become bigger and stronger.

How to differentiate development? In the case of Jiangmen, Jiangmen has a vast hinterland and a late-comer advantage compared to the cities with a higher degree of development in the Pearl River Delta. Foshan and Dongguan have already passed a road of pollution control. Jiangmen can directly cross this stage and attract some high-end industries. Do not transfer the polluting industries to this. Jiangmen has a vast coastline and has the conditions to develop a marine economy. However, if it is still developing the traditional coastal industry, it is not competitive to do logistics and processing. This area already has Shenzhen Port, the third largest in the world, as well as Guangzhou Port and Hong Kong Port. To develop the marine economy, Jiangmen has two choices. One is the manufacture of marine engineering equipment. This must be done in cooperation with Nansha because Nansha is also doing it. The other is niche, high value-added short-haul vehicles, such as yachts and seaplanes, to create a manufacturing industry with a full industrial chain.

Huizhou is also a similar situation. Huizhou Port and Jiangmen Port are facing an embarrassing situation. It is necessary to find some different points for developing the coastal economy. In addition to the seaport, Huizhou also has an airport. Now it is positioned as a Shinkansen airport, which mainly relieves the pressure on the Shenzhen airport and attracts tourists from Heyuan and Shanwei. Even so, the carrying capacity is still not saturated. Therefore, I suggest that Huizhou be an aviation town and develop a certain chain of the aviation industry.

Proposed establishment of the Dawan District Port Alliance

Nandu: The core of the cities within the Dawan District is the coordination of the four poles (Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Macao). How do you think you can cooperate? For example, how are resources such as ports and aviation distributed?

Wang Fuqiang: On the port side, we propose to build a Dawan Port Alliance, similar to the committee, responsible for coordinating the functional positioning of each port. This alliance can be led by the Guangdong Provincial Communications Department, or the Communications Department authorizes the Guangzhou Port Management Committee to take the lead. Hong Kong Port, Shenzhen Port and Guangzhou Port now have international and domestic shipping business, and the key is to focus on which aspects. Our research report recommends that the construction of Hong Kong International Shipping Center as the core, Shenzhen Port, Guangzhou Port as the container hub port, Dongguan, Huizhou, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and other feeder ports as the international shipping logistics center for the port.

Air resources are not fully shared now and there is a serious barrier. Zhuhai Airport is waiting to be nurtured. Once the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is completed, Zhuhai may effectively assume the relief function of the Hong Kong airport. Subject to airspace restrictions, Shenzhen Airport and Guangzhou Baiyun Airport also need Shinkansen Airport (Huizhou Airport and Foshan Gaoming Airport) to ease the pressure. The Macau Airport should play the role of a platform for economic and trade exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, and open up more routes for Latin-speaking countries. The National Civil Aviation Administration should consider how to distribute passenger flow and routes.

It is recommended to give priority to the comprehensive reform of Shenzhen reform

Nandu: Governor Ma Xingrui pointed out that the development plan of the urban agglomeration of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District should be based on “maximizing the flow of people, logistics, capital flow and smooth flow of information”. How to understand this goal and how to achieve it?

Wang Fuqiang: In the breakthrough of market barriers to promote the orderly flow of factors, our research report put forward specific policy recommendations. For example, in terms of promoting the free flow of personnel, the first is to relax the examination and approval procedures for mainland residents to go to Hong Kong and Macao, including extending the time limit for the endorsement of a visa, and delegating the approval of the Hong Kong and Macao passport to the county-level entry and exit department. Second, it is based on the “landing sign” model that some countries have opened to China, which provides greater convenience for residents of Dawan District to go to Hong Kong and Macao. The third is to support the three places in the promotion of customs clearance, cancel the departure inspection, and only carry out immigration inspection.

Nandu: We have noticed that the research report of the research group also proposes to gradually give autonomy to protect the reform and innovation of the Dawan District. What does this specifically mean?

Wang Fuqiang: Now that we are talking about reform, many places are afraid to go any further. For example, the Labor Contract Law does not allow for the signing of a gambling agreement. Enterprises carry out huge human resources training for employees, send them to Harvard to study, and return employees to go. The current Labor Contract Law does not protect the company. If the agreement is signed, the two parties can agree on a large fine and a prohibition clause, requiring the departing employees not to enter the industry within a few years. For example, the mutual recognition of academic qualifications and professional qualification certification of overseas personnel is very important for attracting talents, and no one is moving.

The current reform of the central government will set a principled thing and let the local implementation. Once a specific implementation rule has been formulated, a policy that is administered nationwide cannot be universal. How to give a full-fledged fault tolerance mechanism to innovative local leaders? We suggest that the first comprehensive authorization for all-round reform in Shenzhen should be given, and the first test will be encouraged to explore the road for a new round of reform. At the same time, it supports the urban units within the Dawan District to establish reform and protection regulations through local legislative powers, encouraging trial and error, and tolerance failure.

Extended reading

In order to do a good job in the study of urban agglomeration planning in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, the China International Economic Exchange Center team conducted field research on the Tokyo Bay Area and the San Francisco Bay Area. It also traveled to the 9 cities of the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong and Macau.

"The reception specifications are very high." According to Wang Fuqiang, before going to Japan, the Japanese Embassy in China personally met with the research team to understand the needs and ideas of the research group. It was docked by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan and arranged for a discussion and field trip.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, the team first visited the San Francisco City Council and the San Francisco Planning Commission, met with the chief economist of the Planning Commission, and went to Google, Apple, and Google Inc., an incubator company, Plug and Play, to visit the University of San Francisco, "with politics, academics." The business community has contacts."

Both the Tokyo Bay Area and the San Francisco Bay Area have some common features. Wang Fuqiang said that this includes highly developed economy, gathering of innovative resources, high quality living environment, perfect transportation infrastructure, and clear regional development pattern.

According to Wang Fuqiang, the regional structure of the San Francisco Bay Area is clearly defined. The East Bay Auckland develops the port economy and manufacturing industry, San Jose in the South Bay develops electronic information, aerospace, and San Francisco's San Francisco City develops tourism, biomedicine, and finance. “This has inspired a lot of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Bay Areas. For example, can cities such as Jiangmen and Huizhou compare the positioning of Auckland to develop the port economy and manufacturing industry? Can Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, etc. develop tourism, finance and high-end services? Can Dongguan, etc. develop electronic information and biomedicine? “It must be based on the existing industrial base to form a clear functional positioning.”

Other Bay Areas also have the need to cooperate with the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau. Wang Fuqiang said that after the group proposed the idea of establishing an international Bay Area Alliance when communicating with the Tokyo Bay Area, the Japanese side attached great importance and communicated many times. “They have a lot of research and development results, governance concepts, advanced projects want to spill out, of course, to find a place with similar resource endowments.”

About Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau

"One ring, two screens, two screens and six axes"

Suggestions for networked spatial structure planning

Two screens: the northern mountain forest ecological barrier + the southern coastal green ecological protection barrier

One ring: 5+ 2 ring Pearl River Economic Circle

Relying on the major cities along the Pearl River Estuary, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Hong Kong and Macao, the Pearl River Estuary Economic Circle is formed with rapid regional transportation, industrial development and division of labor, scientific and technological innovation, and social exchanges.

Four poles: Hong Kong Macau Guangzhou Shenzhen

“One Ring” takes the four major cities of Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen as “four poles”, continuously strengthens the regional radiation belt action, leads the urban agglomeration to participate in international competition as a whole, and enhances Dawan District's position in the international economic sector.

Two: The two sides of the Pearl River Estuary are the core of the development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District

Zhuhaikou East Coast Town Fan: Taking the functional areas of Guangzhou East Area, Dongguan Water Town Economic Zone, Songshan Lake High-tech Zone, Huizhou Wuhu Ecological Wisdom Zone and Huanda Yawan New District as the fulcrum, accelerate the industrial transformation and upgrading of the East Coast region.

The urban fan of the west bank of the Pearl River estuary: under the premise of preserving the natural ecological space, coordinating the layout of major projects, platforms and infrastructure, and building an integrated hub for coordinated transportation of airports, ports, orbits, etc., to guide the population and industry to further gather in the West Bank. To build a belt for advanced equipment manufacturing in the West Bank.

More points: Zhuhai Foshan Huizhou Dongguan Zhongshan Jiangmen Zhaoqing

In addition to the “four poles”, the other seven node cities in Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing are the important support for building a world-class urban agglomeration and the “node” in the fan. It is necessary to clarify the strategic positioning and implement misplaced development.

Six axes: strengthen the spatial connection between the Bay Area and the surrounding areas