Southland Square opened fresh off eighty percent of the three themes show business glamor
On June 12th, Zhongtian Nanguofang held a grand opening event, which attracted investors from Wansui and Sui. The scene was very hot. On the opening day alone, the street shops sold accounted for 80% of the total.

The opening of the opening was carried out in the form of a number, and there was more than an hour to leave the market. The sales center waiting area was already packed. When the host announced the official opening of the event, each customer could not help but hold on to the number on their hands, as if they were afraid of missing a rare opportunity for wealth appreciation.

From residential to commercial, Zhongtian Real Estate has repeatedly created the myth of Zhongtang Real Estate. The sales of Nanguofang not only reflects the trust of Wansui Shuangcheng investors in Zhongtian Real Estate brand, but also reflects the operation of Zhongtian Real Estate in residential and retail products. Great strength. Then let's take a look at what is the place where Nanguofang attracts investors.

Light rail line

Savvy investors know that the most important thing to choose a store is the location and popularity. Nanguofang is located in Zhongtang Central Life Center and Zhongtang Sancore Center. It has a wide range of high-end consumer groups, with good customer resources and large-scale community as support. It has a solid foundation of commercial activities and has strong support for business development. Adjacent to the five-star hotel, it brings unlimited popularity to Nanguofang. With the planning and implementation of the “three old transformations”, it will become the central business district of Zhongtang and become the “darling” of the city's rapid development. It is also close to the light rail and the traffic is very convenient. It coincides with Guangzhou's eastward development, and the development of Nanguofang can be said to be the best of both worlds.

Nanguofang is located in the Wanshui Rongcheng Life Center and Commercial Center. It has a unique geographical advantage and the value of the location is immeasurable. At the same time, the large communities such as Nanguo Yayuan, Wandu International Flower City and Fuying Mansion, as well as other neighborhoods of Zhongtang Center, have promoted the popularity of Nanguofang.

Three major business, unlimited business opportunities

Compared with ordinary business, the theme business is often more popular. After a rigorous market research and research, Nanguofang has launched three major business models: preschool education, food and fashion, which can meet local consumer demand and give full play to project advantages.

The China Chain Store & Franchise Association recently released the "2011 China Franchise Investment Climate" survey report, showing that for the third year in a row, children's education and training has become the most growth-producing and highest return on investment industry by franchise headquarters, franchisees and experts. . The retail business of baby products is also privileged by both parties as one of the most promising and investment-worthy industries. The creation of the Preschool Square can not only provide children with a good educational atmosphere, but also meet the spiritual demands of parents to "see the child into a dragon" and "seeing women into the wind". It can be seen that the development of the early childhood education industry has brought unlimited business opportunities to merchants.

As the only food court in Zhongtang, the influence of the people will radiate about 500,000 people in Zhongtang and Xintang, attracting a large number of high-end people. The creation of fashionable neighborhoods will lead young people to set off a consumer frenzy. The business atmosphere created by the theme of preschool education, food and fashion provides an accurate direction for the comprehensive and healthy development of the future business center. In order to fill the commercial gap of Zhongtang, and promote the comprehensive development of the surrounding areas.

Of course, Nanguofang has other advantages that cannot be ignored. Pure street shop, clear ownership, controllability and autonomy are strong; many types of shops can meet the diverse needs of merchants of all sizes; Zhongtang has a unique 7-meter super high-rise, so that merchants can enjoy Buying a layer of premiums for one layer is a major factor for investors to be optimistic about Nanguofang.