Notice about the announcement (Zhongtian Wangwang) special mailbox for prize submission
"Transit Outlook" is sponsored by the Guangdong Zhongtian Group published within the enterprise, founded more than two years, the Group companies as well as the enthusiastic support of all my colleagues and care, a display window and the group culture important platform for communication. In order to further promote Zhongtian Group's excellent corporate culture, to enrich "transit lookout" layout content, the majority of employees active leisure life, now to our staff and published manuscript Solicitation Submission dedicated mailbox:
Zhongtian.The door of the city project started
City Zhongtian Gate is located in Dongguan City and Dongguan Avenue Guantai Road intersection, near Shek Kwu Guangshengaosu exports and city axis Dongguan Avenue, is the GS into the city of Dongguan city portal, five minutes drive direct access to the city center of Dongguan, Dongguan, geographical location of the city like the door.
Golden Washington 2010 New Release and owners will thank wonderful debut
Evening of 27 March 2010, the long-awaited Golden Washington "in the center, it is possible" 2010 New Release and owners will thank gorgeous debut in the diamond club, the day about 3,800 people to visit the 1096 batch faith registration.
Group batches organize relevant personnel to go to the North, East and Taiwan study tour
To further accelerate the Group's healthy, stable and sustainable development of the new year, the group organized group headquarters, transit Stratton real estate, Silver World Garden Hotel in the senior management staff has traveled the North, East and Taiwan to conduct field visits and learning exchanges. Its purpose and meaning is: to broaden their horizons, strengthen exchanges, and actively expand cooperation projects.
Play group advantage and actively expand the project
Beginning of this year, according to the Group's strategic planning and layout, to go out and actively expand the project. Early March 2010, Group Chairman Mr. Zhang Junfan rate of Group executives and related personnel went to Zhangjiajie fieldwork real estate market. During the inspection, the group focused on his efforts to transform the city of Zhangjiajie Lishui style with shantytowns and relevant departments of the local government carried out a detailed exchanges and negotiations,
Property chief rail hub city 21 leading property!
Recently, concern Guanhui city rail Metro Center Station outgoing messages, the proposed hub in the Metro station moved west 80 meters overall, after the diversion of the Metro Center Station West Exit will transit through the central square and city · International Street. Metro Center Station in Dongguan city rail R2 Guanhui urban rail line and the intersection of the hub,
Passage of speech Ox, Tiger heyday exhibition. Evening of 2 February 2010, the Guangdong Zhongtian Group to "Uplifting. Hand. Win-win" as the theme will be active in Dongguan City Sheng Danian Silverworld Hotel was held. The annual meeting unprecedented, magnificent. Financial activities and dances for the intro song, Retrospect and Prospect fit, harmony and atmosphere contained as a whole,
Sheraton volt Kerry property for Houjie large runoff plots will be developed in cooperation with transit
July 20, Houjie large community 2011G062 runoff plots, Dongguan Jia volt Property Investment Limited (hereinafter referred to as V Kerry Properties) to 216 million yuan reserve price gains of the land, equivalent to the floor price 2086.07 yuan / square meter.
The core area of ??the city once again witnessed the value of the property
The core area of ??the city once again witnessed the value of the property Fresh off the opening 220 sets      January 10, 2010, the city commercial street extraordinarily beautiful city 21, the attention of the Peoples, and we expect it to finally officially awaited grand Dongguan public met.
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