Zhongtian Group
Zhongtian Group "Desert Nuggets" squad of six expeditions were sent out to find desert gold, their mission is starting from the base camp, through the desert, arriving dug deep in the mountains as much gold. Need to cross the desert on the way, villages, oases or tombs, while facing sunny, high temperatures, storms and other complex weather what the test, and some teams triumphant return, and some may Soul Desert, everything that the team's choice ....... wonderful trip share
Dongguan City State Medical Center physicians to veteran center clinic
To facilitate the consultation and understanding of the elderly health care and other issues, and better health care for the elderly in our city, May 22, the city invited veteran center in Dongguan, Guangdong Zhongtian Group's National Medical Center of the old Chinese medicine experts and Chinese medicine treatments division to carry out the activity center and Chinese massage clinic activities, welcomed by many older people.
Build consensus and promote the steady development of the Group
To keep abreast of the Group's overall operations, to promote the implementation of the work plan, the Group held the morning of 27 April 2012 first quarter operating summing up the work session. Informed the meeting that in the past three months, Guangdong transit operations cohesion consensus, and control operating costs, while maintaining stability of the positive attitude to deal with external complex economic environment,
City Zhongtian Gate: Open selling 169 sets of leading April Dongguan property
April 29, highly customer-focused transit · City Gate in the fiery atmosphere of the holiday grand opening, sales at the scene waiting in a long election room team, the opening day of the 169 units sold, the successful leader in Dongguan property market in April.
Zhongtian Creative Valley: old factory transformed the cultural and creative ideas have a big garden so that the value of
Cultural and creative industries are cultural industries and socio-economic development to a certain stage of the product, which affects some of the nascent industry category rise, development and growth, and promote the upgrading of traditional cultural industries, change, it is no longer simply confined to the past the traditional concept of cultural industries and categories, but to adapt to the emergence of new industrial forms of innovative concepts.
Southland Nga opening fresh off 80% success record in April Dongguan property market
April 30, Southland Nga · Riverview Riverview 67-95 ㎡ house grand opening. Live crowds, customers queued subscription atmosphere is very hot, so that staff could be overwhelmed. Open only one hour, the launch of the listings on fresh off more than 8 percent, breaking the Dongguan April property sales success.
Toprich Hall: to build business leaders in North China Platform Group
In order to comply with a large group leapfrog development needs, to create the Group in North China's "headquarters" and leader-level business communication platform for group affiliation and friendly enterprises, partners facilitate business activities in Beijing. After two years of construction and preparation, Beijing Toprich Hall in early March with a unique classical garden style,