Guangdong-Hong Kong Youth Entrepreneurship (Guancheng) Base Settled in Zhongtian Creative Valley

On the morning of January 26, “Guangdong-Hong Kong Youth Entrepreneurship (Pengcheng) Base” and “Guangdong-Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Investment Fund” were unveiled at Guantian Zhongtian Lianfeng Creative Valley, which was established in November last year in Hong Kong. After the base + fund, it officially landed in Dongguan, supporting the innovation and integration of youth entrepreneurship in the two places.

[Heavy] Zhongtian + Zhonghai Real Estate signed a new strategic cooperation

On the afternoon of January 24, China's real estate listed company ranked first in the top 100 competitiveness, and the central enterprises that ranked first in the real estate industry in China for six consecutive years, Zhonghai Real Estate and Guangdong Zhongtian Group, were built in China Overseas Real Estate, just opened in Shenzhen. The City Museum of Contemporary Art and the Urban Planning Exhibition Hall signed the “Sino-Hong Kong-Macau-Dawan District Integrated Development Strategy Cooperation Agreement”, and the two parties worked together to build the Dawan District.

800+ enterprises gather in Zhongtian family feast to join hands to build a better future

Guangdong Zhongtian Group Industrial Zhongtian Park “'Enterprise +' Family Banquet” was held in Songshan Lake. There are hundreds of entrepreneurs in the park, various government departments and service departments of various districts and Songshan Lake, various financial institutions, higher education institutions, Relevant leaders of industry associations and professional organizations, as well as friends from all walks of life at home and abroad, gathered together to enjoy the warmth and joy of the reunion dinner and talk about new developments in the future.

Group President attended the second meeting of the 13th session of the Dongguan Political Consultative Conference

At 9 o'clock yesterday morning, the second meeting of the 13th Dongguan Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was grandly opened in the conference building. Mr. Zhang Yukai, President of Guangdong Zhongtian Group, attended the meeting as a member of the CPPCC and participated in the discussion of the fifteenth group group on the afternoon of the same day.