Guangdong Zhongtian Group wishes you a happy new year!

On February 26, 2015, Lunar New Year's Eve was the eighth day of the first month of the Lunar New Year, and at 9:00 am, the opening ceremony of the Guangdong Zhongtian Group's New Year was held at Zhongwei Building, Dongguan Nancheng, the headquarters of the group. At the celebration, Mr. Zhang Yukai, the president of the group, personally added the lion's eye. Then, the six-headed Nanshi, with the joyful drums and drums, throbbed, symbolizing the new year, Zhongtian Group's business will be further improved. !

[Heart Poly Zhongtian Group·Building a Dream Together] Zhongtian 2014 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference was successfully held

On the afternoon of February 13, 2015, the 2014 annual summary and commendation meeting of the Zhongtian Group with the theme of “Heart gathers in the sky and builds a dream together” was held in the Group’s No. 8 Creative Park, which is from the management of the Group and each More than 300 people including representatives and winners of the subsidiaries participated in this annual event.

Dongguan media elites collectively visit Zhongtian Creative Industry

During the first design week in Dongguan, the media in Dongguan had concentrated on visiting Workers and Peasants No. 8, which gave them a strong interest in Zhongtian Creative Valley. This morning, the elite media of Dongguan Media Circle also came to Creative Valley and visited the four projects of Workers and Farmers No. 8, Tianbao Creative Valley, 769 Wenchuang Garden and Lianfeng Creative Valley, and got a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of Zhongtian Group. Achievements made in the cultural entrepreneurship sector.